Dion and Valanda in Milliways
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"How young are you talking about? Because where I'm from sometimes humans don't really understand being careful till they're five or six and they can definitely levitate things by the time they're two and usually a lot earlier."


"Tiny things? Sure. But when I was five or six I remember struggling to control a ball about—yea big." He gestures the approximate size of a soccer ball. "Couldn't do that much damage with one of those." 


"What does size have to do with it? I know there's a limit but I didn't think it grew or anything, but I'm not that kind of mage..."


"I think maybe your world's magic just works different. But I'm not an expert on the Force, either."

He tries to remember what they were talking about before this. "Okay, so if all babies in your world can do dangerous magic you need a way to stop them, that makes sense. It's still awful that you do that to anyone, but it makes sense." 


"Yeah. ...Different magic, huh? What can your kind of mage do? Just lift things?"


"No, that's the one everyone knows but we can do other things as well. Like, uh..." He struggles to think of an example for a second.

"...I guess mind tricks aren't really the same as command magic? But. Some Jedi can mess with people's heads." 


"...What kind of messing with them?"


"Uh...I mean, I've never done it, but it's stuff like making people pay less attention to you, or give you stuff without haggling so hard, just...confusing them for a second or two? We're not supposed to do it too much, it's kinda unethical."




"You know, 'cause it's messing with free will or bodily autonomy or something." 


"I'm not sure 'unethical' is translating right. Can you give me a definition?"


"Uh...morally wrong? Immoral? Bad—wait, 'evil' didn't translate earlier—"


"Yeah, I think you might be using jargon or something. This is related to the Sith being the kind of people who can't be free safely?"


One or both of them are very confused right now and Dion thinks it might be 'both'. "I—it's not jargon it's a basic concept, how does your language not have—what do you even hear if I say 'bad', there's got to be a word for that." 


"Yeah. Bad, not useful, usually if you don't specify what something is bad for there's an obvious intended use - bad food is rotten, bad money is counterfeit. Do you use 'bad person' to mean people who can't be part of a peaceful society?"


"I...kinda? This is hard, I've never had to explain morality before. Does that word translate at all or does it just sound like nonsense jargon—" 


"I think you're still using jargon or something."


Dion sighs and scrubs a hand through his hair. "So your language doesn't have words for evil, ethics, or morality. And I bet if I say 'wrong' you'll hear it in the sense of, like, a wrong answer on a test or something." 




He sighs again and thinks for a while.

"Okay, so. In your language, things can be 'good' or 'bad' for their purpose, right? Well, morality is basically saying that there's an ultimate 'good' and 'bad' for the whole universe, because there's this...bigger purpose, underlying everything. Actions are good if they work towards the bigger purpose—so we call them 'moral'—and they're bad or immoral if they work against it. Does that, like, make sense or am I still talking gibberish?" 


"I think it makes sense. Who decided what purpose the universe should have?"


"Well...that's kinda complicated," Dion admits.

"Lots of people have different ideas of what the universe's purpose should be, and that's, uh, pretty much all of philosophy and ethics. People arguing about what the purpose is and how we should interpret that and turn it into rules and stuff. They mostly agree on the big ones like 'murder is bad', though." 


"So it's... what people want for the whole universe? How is this different from laws?"


"They're...decided by philosophers instead of governments, and governments don't enforce moral rules unless they're laws as well? Like, obviously murder is illegal most places with exceptions for executions or whatever, but something like...it's really hard to think of a good example. Uh, maybe charity? Morality says it's good to help people in need, but people will get mad if you make a law that says they have to give all their stuff to poor people. So it's moral to give money or food or blankets to people begging on the street, but there aren't any laws about it either way." 


"Because people want you to do that but if they force you to you'll get mad? So it's, what, all the things that people care about?"

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