There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Well, obviously. Or people could do all kind of things like sneak around and uncover your secrets. Of course, we are going to talk about the immortality being shareable with you and Scott today, because we wanted your opinion on sharing it with Derek's uncle and we've been considering handing it to you for emergencies."
"Sharing immortality sounds good all around. Could I get you to give it to my dad first?"
"Well, first, I should elaborate how my immortality works. The most relevant feature is that it comes with skymagery, which means that whoever becomes my kind of immortal also get wings and randomly selected weather powers."
"Sure. Explains the everything. Never mind, then. I probably won't take it either, not until we can reveal you to everyone."
"Well, it comes in the form of magical spring water, that you could carry around and drink during emergencies or give to others during emergencies. Then you would be connected to the respective fountain and every time your body dies the fountain would make you one after a week. I'm trying to improve upon it, but I can only make about one spring per month."
"Right, and Scot and my dad should get it first, and Scott won't take it before his mom gets I'll wait."
"We have five immortalities to share - brought some from our home universe. So there is enough for the four of you plus Derek's uncle, but we would rather not to use them all at once."
"Just our parents, then, and Derek's uncle. We're still young, not as risky for us."
Fenris nods. "It would be a good idea to talk with your parents before we suddenly give them wings. I suppose Derek's uncle - should've asked his name - can wait for a bit if his condition is stable and non-painful, but if it isn't either of those two things then he would be priority."
"I think it's stable? Seems like it's been a few years. But it could be painful."
"Yeah. There might be some medical solution, but... have we explained the time distortion?"
"Not really, time is asynchronous between the different universes and that is why there is five of us and not the ten that were supposed to come. Our home universe is stuck fractions of seconds after we left and the other five simply haven't exited it yet. Among the group that was coming it included an extreme medical genius and someone that could provide magical healing. But for all we know they can arrive anywhere between the next minute or in the next millenium. I was wondering how Derek would react to the proposal we could hold out a bit longer instead of just turning his uncle into an immortal. Oh, and Felix can summon information from the other universes so if any develop a miracle of medicine we could use that too."
"How long could it be stuck like that from our perspective? Summoning information might be our best bet."
Fenris gives him a helplessly shrug. "So far the progress between all three observed universes looks pretty much random with our original one being consistently slower but at a rate that fluctuates between one to six million times slower than here, maybe it is be stuck like that, maybe next time we check it will a thousand years."
"Yes and I can make one more per month, a bit longer if I spend time developing new aspects to improve it, like the ability to shift away the wings, which I might not be able to do."
"For certain definitions of 'a lot', yes. Only twelve to thirteen people per year, more if I spend a lot of time sleeping. I do have reason to believe the immortality is hereditary so at least their future children can be immortal."
"I'll make a list. Derek will want his uncle near the top if it helps with whatever's going on in his head. Is there a way to test that without doing it?"
"The hereditarity? I'm not aware of anyway that we could test it that doesn't involve conception one or the other, there had been two births plus a pregnancy among the group that knows, but none of the people involved wanted to risk something weird happening. One of the couples that gave birth actually decided to become immortal after the pregnancy."
"Not the heritability, which I think I'm going to have to look into if no one has. I meant, the effects it could or could not have on Derek's uncle, his like, coma or whatever."
"Skymages are not typically immortal, the immortality thing is new. And I misunderstood because of the ambiguous use of 'him'. Well, my power can't recover old memories, only restore the ones you had or formed after becoming immortal. It can restore any physical damage. So it all comes down to the uncle's exact problem. If there is enough information there and it all just needs a healed structure to run it, then he can make a recovery after spending a week growing a new body. But it gets more complicated if it is something more delicate."
Stiles nods, and then blushes, averting his gaze again.
"So! Tell me about skymages."