There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
And Scott is still there, of course.
"Good morning. Anything exciting happen while I was out?"
"Mine too! I mean, the bed I have here is better than the one from my original universe. Man, I still not used to think like that. Anyway, the only reason Felix didn't make smart houses for us was that he tries to keep it to low maintenance stuff. But he likes makes everyone else as nice as comfortable possible."
"Oh, it was in a museum. There was this special event about miscellaneous magic and the two were working there showing off their skymagery. It was very cool, and they were twins, which made it cooler and I approached Felix while he was a break and started talking with him. I was enough of a dork to ask if they were from a circus and Felix asked if I didn't watch the news which I didn't - there was this weird family situation going on between them and their grandparents, it has been solved - eventually we got in the topic of what we would want to do with the future and I gave him a more elaborate version of "astronaut and sorcerer" because I honestly would like to use magic to raise the world to the standards of Star Trek and he looked at me like he wanted to kiss me right there in the middle of the museum."
"Wow. I don't think I've ever had anyone like that. You two must be grateful to have each other."
He stands.
"I should get to school, the werewolf stuff has been kind of affecting my grades."
"We actually broke up." Kato debates and decides not to mention just yet that he and Fenris also... "But at least we are speaking again, which in fact great."
Kato gives a reassuring smile. "Good luck with school."
Stiles attends school slightly less.
Instead of being at school, he is in fact trying to go back to the dream dimension.
Well, Scott presumably told him all about his new place, so if Stiles goes to Scott's house, open the portal there, go to Scott's house other house (So many televisions!) he will have access to the dream dimension and other stuff (like all this many televisions!).
Well, there is a nice stone path to their house, with signs, torches, benches and everything. Nice place for a stroll even. Stones on the ground are probably not precious gemstones just pretty and picturing elaborate mosaics.
Then he will eventually find the twins' house again, the doors are unlocked and it's pretty quiet.
He can, Fenris' door is ajar and he can see there is no one inside, even in the balcony.
The place is still neatly organized, but there are a few medical books on a table. One of the books is open on a neurobiology page. Next to them there are a couple of notebooks. One with notes about brain damage and psychological damage. The other has a page with the tittle "Immortality" and then there are two columns one is "Share" and the other is "Not Share". The first column contains items such: Improve his current quality of life; Improve relationship with Derek; His uncle might give us more information; Reverse engineering werewolf transformation? and so on. The second column items are: Permanent; Unknown interactions with lycanthropy; Unknown interactions with brain damage/trauma; Inability to get prior consent; Unknown personality.
While reading this, Stiles feels a presence behind him.
"It's pretty rude to tell people to not use their magic when it isn't affecting you." Fenris says, literally hovering.
He is also: completely naked.
"Snooping around in people's homes is ruder, though. To what I owe the pleasure to have your presence?"
"You're a pretty interesting guy, thought I should have a look at your..."
He coughs, averting his gaze.
"At your lair."
Fenris smirks when Stiles averts his gaze and makes no movement to cover himself. "Of course, my lair. Found anything interesting? I'm happy to answer any questions but... I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
"I definitely think you should consider that Derek's uncle was probably a werewolf and they're all kind of rage machines. He might only be under control now because his body is still frail."
"That falls under 'unknown personality'. I suppose it might also fall under 'unknown interaction with lycanthropy'. Do you know anything about his uncle?"