There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Ah," Kato says with a smile, "I may not be one of you aliens, but I admire you guys for this kind of thinking."
"So tell me about yourself. I feel like we haven't talked enough."
He leans back in the bed, patting the spot next to him for Kato to join him.
Kato leans as well, being mindful of his wings he does that on his side, supporting his head with his hand.
"Not sure what to say? I'm Kato, moved around a lot while growing up and was raised by my uncle - it's complicated," he has delivered this speech enough that it sounds practiced and casual, "until we finally settled on Florida, honestly dreamed of being an astronaut and-slash-or professional sorcerer. Like, reading, hiking and exploring nature. Spent so long in a car listening to music that I can no longer form tastes in bands," he shrugs, "how about you?"
"I lived in Beacon Hills with my mom ever since my parents divorced. I've never really left California, not even on trips or anything. Always wanted to be a teacher, or a nurse, like my mom. I like lacrosse and wandering the woods- or, I used to. I like all kinds of music, since Stiles is so picky. One of us has to."
"Teacher or nurse, I should've guessed. I bet you we will take you on a trip anywhere you want to once this entire thing blows over. Anywhere you would wish to go?"
"I've never really thought about it. Is there somewhere you've never seen? Maybe somewhere you can't go to on your world that you can here."
"I don't think there is anywhere I couldn't go and still exists here. But I always wanted to visit the pyramids, both the Egyptians pyramids and the Mesoamerican ones."
"I guess I'll have to think of something else I can give you. You guys have all been really nice to me, me and Stiles really appreciate it."
"It's no trouble. We are honestly glad that you let us help."
Impulsively, a wing briefly pats Scott's shoulder in a reassuring gesture, the feathers are very soft. "Sorry, these things have a mind of their own sometimes."
Well, that is just too adorable for words. Kato presses the wing gently in a sort of soft feathery half-hug.
"I hate feeling helpless. I worked so hard every day so I wouldn't feel like that, and I still did. I still do."
Well, that is heartbreaking and Kato offers Scott a proper hug (with his arms, plus wings).
"I know that feeling, it's terrible," Kato says after a moment, "but we'll help you the best way we can and we can help a lot."
Hugs are nice, but after a few minutes, Scott has to point out:
"It's getting late. I should probably turn in."
Squeeze and disentangle. "I will be in the living room if you need me for anything. Are you a light sleeper? I can just read something if you are."
"Felix won't find that rude at all. Also, I don't sleep. I don't even like... need a cushioned surface to sit, because my muscles don't get tired. It is a minor magical power."
"That sounds useful. I guess it's not worth everything you guys went through."
He leans back in his bed, resting his head.
"I am now, but... until recently I wasn't speaking with the twins and it was terrible. And that was preventing me from getting better. I'm not sure I am okay, but I can be. Does that make sense?"
"You're safe, now. I'll be here for you, for when they can't be..."
He trails off, eyes fluttering shut.
Okay, Scott. Stop being so disgustingly adorable. Except don't, you are perfect.
Kato will spend the night looking at his life and looking at his choices. Vii comes along for her shift and Kato flies around tirelessly, but then he is back in the morning.