There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Maybe not the wings, at first. Explain who you are, how you got here, and...don't mention any of that if Kate is there, maybe, just ask to talk to them alone."
"Okay, I guess I can contact them since I can just wear a coat over mine. Might be a good idea if it is just me and someone else. How should we meet them? Just show up at their doorstep?"
"Maybe? I think we shouldn't be obviously connected to you two. Just in case they want to retaliate."
"Sure... Do you think they would like to have a few words on gun control laws. Sounds like the ironic thing to ask."
"I guess if that fails, we can just say we have something urgent to discuss," Vera muses.
"I think you and I should be the ones to go," Vii suggests, "Kato and the twins might've been seen with Scott."
"That is the reason why we are sending immortals, even if they aren't that trigger happy."
"Operation: Lion's Den. Keep it short, makes it more punchy. You're sure you don't need backup?"
"We can handle it," Vera reassures him.
"Or take suicide pills if something goes too wrong," Vii mentions.
"I think that's everything covered. Fenris? Vera? Am I missing anything obvious?"
Well, if there's nothing else to plan, Scott wants to cuddle Kato until he falls asleep, is that okay?