There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
The list a list of suspects in an arson case. Those who have alibis have those listed next to their names, with an estimate of confidence.
"Hard to tell. There is an estimate of how confident their alibis are, which could indicate a cover up or an investigation by the Argents."
"Let me see."
He snatches the list.
"Okay, I'll try checking through police cases, see if any of these names turn up."
The first suspect they try to find is already drunk when they run into him, and freely admits to having been accused of arson, but doesn't seem to want to elaborate.
Sooo sure. He's not telling them about that time after he was accused of arson, when he totally got away with one.
Of course we won't!
(Another drink.)
And of course Vera drinks some too, enough that she should be totally safe to tell things. Is not like Vera secretly has the power to metabolize alcohol in more pleasant ways.
(Yet another drink.)
And he starts rambling about the Argents, and how aloof and cold and rich they were, and how Kate was so different from her brother, and she never thought he and Unger were stupid or pathetic.
So when Kate asked them to do something they'd done before, something fun and easy and maybe a few people would get hurt, but wouldn't it be worth it? They did.
It's all very interested. Good thing she is too drunk to care and isn't in anyway recording all of this.
(More drinking, of the fall down drunk type.)