There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"I don't like blackmail, but...if we can get people to stop hurting each other, it's worth it."
"We need to get rid of the alpha, and the hunters aren't helping, they just want to kill Scott."
"We can keep the blackmail as a last resource. They might reevaluate their priorities with better incentives."
"You can help us search the Argent stuff and then there is the whole being a bait business."
Felix contributes to the research... by sleeping and copying objects to be researched.
Now they have a copy of the Argent house somewhere in the dimension. Do they want to come and see?
There are a few lists of cities with no clear uniting factor, a few documents that seem to describe current events such as marriages and deaths of particular families, and a USB drive.
Stiles gets to reading about werewolves.
"Anything good? Come on Fenris, don't let me down."
"I didn't want this. He attacked me in the woods, at night. Stiles thought it was cool, and it was, it is, but it's not something I asked for."
Well, Kato can't squeeze harder, so instead he says. "We will make everything better. That is what we are here for."
Fenris is just checking the last name. Then he turns to Stiles. "Every single one of the victims shows up among the Argents' documentations in one way or another, strongly hinting the Argents knew them."