There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"I could use my conjuring ability to copy their things so we can look for evidence."
"Derek. Mr. Harris. My dad, the Argents are a good start but we should also go for any of their friends, is there a way to know who their friends are?"
"I might be able to do something like 'all the information of the Argents phone contacts' but this assumes they have that information written down and they don't use temporary phones."
"Even if they have burner phones, they might have a list of contacts somewhere in the house...what are the limits on your powers?"
"I can make pretty much anything if I can specify a physical property like "it is inside the argent house" or "has the words 'contact information'", it gets a lot harder for things like "the murder weapon" and I can pick information from people's mind, but it takes forever and more so convert it to a non-brain format."
"Kinda, think more in terms of a google search. Inside the Argent house, contains words the words: werewolf, hales, alpha. That sort of thing."
"Supernatural, creature, silver, weakness, full moon and just moon, wolfsbane, creature, monster, danger... I will start compiling a list. Besides the hales, the argent themselves and the alpha's victims is there any other obvious name to search for?"
"I'll try to get my hands on the arson file. Include Stilinski. Whittemore, too."
Fenris raises an eyebrow, then shrugs.
"If we find something incriminating and Not Acceptable - which is likely - do you two have opinions on what should we do with that sort of information?"
"They don't really seem organized, but if we let the police know, the whole thing could blow up in our faces. Lots of people are keeping secrets, and I don't know how to deal with that."
"Reasonably enough. But while I don't like that alternative, what do you feel about blackmailing?"