There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Hunters aren't generals or politicians, they're not going to be satisfied with containment- not that any of us want to be contained. They want blood for honor, vengeance, they want their communities safe from invaders."
"Yes... that is pretty much the mindset of thaumatophobes - people who dislike magic and magic people. Can't say I'm surprised to find it here as well."
"Good night, Derek. And thank you."
When Derek leaves Fenris takes flight and return to the others.
"Good, actually. The exact details can wait until after the movie, but he is willing to cooperate with us without your direct involvement."
So they watch the movie.
Scott is predictably charmed by Leia, and seems to enjoy her ceaseless bickering with her 'rescuers'.
Hey, he is not the only one. Young Mark Hamill was hot. Felix is enjoying the movie a lot.
Vera is enjoying the movie too, if more because of the androids antics than the forced Leia and Han possible romance.
It is hard to guess what Fenris thinks of specific details of the movie. For one thing instead of sitting on the couch he just floats behind it.
On occasion he will grab some popcorn from Stiles' bowl, and he is smiling when he does that.
Well, Fenris is not interested in fighting, he is also not interested in giving up the popcorn.
Popcorn fighting is amusing Fenris.
Or maybe he is smiling like that because he thinks Stiles is cute. Who knows?