There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Well, when you put it that way, it sounds even worse. Maybe I should get my wings sooner."
"What? Would be embarassed to be held in my strong manly arms while we soar across the skies?"
"If you have wings by that point we can fly together, though I won't mind if you play the role of romance novel love interest."
"No, we only recently started talking again after the break up, which wasn't related to the polyamory thing."
"Sorry. Should we talk about something else? I can tell you about my family, most of the stories are pretty nice."
"Okay. How about the time Stiles got into a fight with Goofy and my mom decided that she never liked him, anyway?"
"Who else? Stiles loves fighting fictional characters. We were at Disneyland, and he'd had too much funnel cake..."
Scott enthusiastically mimes the epic battle. Apparently, Goofy got between Stiles and the cotton candy, and when his bite made Goofy less goofy, Melissa insisted that biting the characters was an essential part of the experience.
"Oh, there was the time my dad tried to take me hunting..."
Scott proved very unhappy to have to kill animals for fun, and protested the whole thing by climbing a tree and staying there for an hour, until his dad agreed not to shoot anything.
Well, in that case Kato will hug bigger Scott on behalf of tiny Scott, but still find the story amusing. Also kiss-worthy.
Kisses are good, yeah.
Scott probably has like. Homework, and a job. He might not remember right away, though.
Kato does think that homework and a job are entirely reasonable priorities, but he is a bit too distracted to remember those on behalf of Scott any time soon.
The winged entourage is completely oblivious to this nightly visit. The ones that can't sleep occupy themselves in various ways through the night. But the ones that sleep do so peacefully.