There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
That is great. Would Scott mind some exploratory hands? Kato will assume he is limited to above the waste.
Scott is tempted, but he gives the wings a reasonable berth; as much as he can without taking his hands off, anyway.
Or his lips.
Kato is very appreciative of Scott's efforts. Scott is great and the noises that Kato is making are a way to communicate so.
Scott pulls away reluctantly.
"Wow. That just happened, huh."
He seems somewhat nervous.
"I liked it," he says soothingly.
"I don't know what comes next, though. We barely know each other."
That Kato can certainly provide another description of himself, still edited to be less of a boomer, but more honest and detailed. What are his preferences for this kind of media, or things that he likes to do during sleepless night (flying being the obvious top contender).
"Flying is great. 11/10 would recommend it. I was afraid that fear of heights would be a problem but it's surprisingly absent."