There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"It's different when a breakup affects friends. They don't have a right to decide what happens."
"Uh... your other partners also don't get a say on that," he sounds vaguely concerned, "also as a clarification not everyone in the polycule needs to date each other and not everyone needs to represent the same to everyone, there are such things as primary partners, or partners that engage in only some parts of romantic or sexual behaviors."
"Oh. I was sort of imagining that you and Fenris were different because you were brothers. So it's like a love triangle where everyone decides to stop fighting?"
"Me and Fenris love each other, but not in that way," he is obviously not comfortable with the concept, but is trying to inject levity into it, "and pretty much that, except it could be in any configuration of consenting people."
"Well, first, even poly-people can feel jealous, but the difference is how one deal with that - mainly, you accept that you feel it, try to figure out why and then try to deal with it. Reassure yourself that you're worthy. Communicate with the relevant people the issues you might have. Realize that jealousy is socially expected as a sign of romantic devotion and one can internalize that like so many other bad things society expect us to believe... I feeling like a broken record, but again, jealousy isn't exclusive to romantic relationships. If Stiles said that you are spending too much time with another friend how would you deal with that?"
"We don't really spend time with other friends. I mean, Allison and Lydia are our friends, but that's different, that's both of us."
"Okay, that analogy didn't work out. But what I primarily meant is that jealousy doesn't have to be part of a multiple partners relationship and it doesn't have to be the end of it."
"But I think most people do feel jealous, even when they just have one partner. How can you not have any? Is there some kind of trick to it?"
"I kind didn't have much opportunirty to test my jealousy while dating the twins, but I remember just being okay with the concept. I mean, I was dating a couple of magical twins, I felt grateful they're even paying atttention to me."
"You're pretty great Kato," Felix says putting a wing around Kato's shoulder. "And my case is unusual because when me and Fenris were little we realized we would like to date the same kind of people and decided to share, then we sort of... failed to form a jealous reaction? And the point is not ever feeling jealousy, more not having jealousy as a default?"
"I think my jealousy matters less than Allison's, anyway. How do I explain this to her? It's so different from what everyone else does."
"She doesn't know. We just started dating, there are still a lot of things that haven't come up."
"I think my advice would benefit if I knew more about her personality, or at least her positions on similar topics. People are supposed to talk about this sort of thing before the relationship is a relationship properly."
"Yeah... can not suggest it to her, but then you shouldn't stay with Kato, since one of the most important aspects of polyamory is the consent of the involved. How would she react to a guy kissing you by surprise?"
"If it wasn't going anywhere, she'd probably think it was cute. I don't know what happens if she thinks it's serious."
"I'm glad you did...I barely know Allison. I mean, the way I feel about her isn't nothing, but I can't let that stop me from doing something I'll regret missing out on."
Kato makes a complicated face, at least two of the emotions expressed are hope and confusion.