There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"I mean... Okay, I'm being presumptuous just for suggesting that you would like me like that but, there is a thing called polyamory and its, like, having multiple relationships at same time, but not to be lewd, it is honest affection, but without jealousy or monogamy.
I dated the twins at same time."
Scott always expected it to be easy, falling in love. When he met Allison, it was easy. They fit together, her jagged edges and his frayed nerves balancing out. It was safe, and warm, and fun.
It was intense, and what he felt for Kato was more stable. A kind of affection and respect that he didn't have, with Allison.
He still didn't know either of them at all, really.
After a few minutes, he stands, and goes looking for the others.
Kato is in this room receiving hugs from Felix. The former notices Scott first but doesn't say anything.
"I'm okay. Kato... explained what happened. I can leave if you want to talk to him privately, or I could answer your questions if you have any."
"Between me and Fenris we simply didn't have a problem with sharing Kato. Have you heard of compersion? It's the opposite of jealousy. If I see someone that I love being happy, why shouldn't I feel happy for them?"
"Friends and family are different. If you like someone in a, in a romantic way, you want to be important to them, you want to be the reason they're happy. It's more self-centered than friendship. You want to make them happy, friends you just...want them to be happy."
"Well, first, It is pretty common for people to want to be important to their friends and family, often in a exclusive way. Second, having romantic feelings isn't necessarily self-centered, if anything the more you care the more selfless you're. Third, people can have multiple sources of happiness, romantic love doesn't even have to be the ultimate one. Finally, unnecessary conflicts between people don't lead to more overall happiness... I keep remembering a movie, where both romantic interests are great and how everyone would've been so much happier if the protagonist could stay with them both, she could still live in the same neighborhood, hell, even her dog would've been happier."
"If everyone is always happy, that works, but what if two people argue? Everyone else has to deal with that, even if they don't have a problem. There's just more ways for things to go wrong, that's what I mean about trust. How can you do this with someone you don't already know really well?"
"Trust is important to any relationship and couples' fights can still affect people that aren't involved in the romantically. Groups of friends taking sides because two of them split up. Parents divorcing. Monogamy doesn't complete wards you against relationships going wrong. And if you are having a relationship with someone you are supposed to know them well and... well, communicate things so you can address problems honestly."