There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
Kato would love cookies too, and thinks Scott is overworking himself on the oven. everything alright?
What can one do with it, what do people think about those who use it, if they can just change universes why haven't they gone exploring before?
Well, they can't just change universes. They only discovered that when Felix-one found himself in the other beacon hills. Fenris thinks that maybe in the future, his fork back home is going to organize "humanitarian" interdimensional expeditions, but that is for later.
Magic can do a lot of things, easier to say that it can't do time travel or predict the future too far ahead. Fenris is confident that it can resurrect the dead, someone just needs to figure out how or develop the ability. It has demonstrated capabilities such: control the weather, telekinesis, emotional control, illusions, healing, animating objects, grant sapience to animals, control various materials and energies, translation, it goes on.
Would Stiles like to watch a video of two Witch-Queens fighting? They are the most powerful kind of magic-user-or-magic-being in Fenris' world. With the possible exception of dreamshapers.
He mostly suggested because it is impressive.
It quite is, the woman that shows up on camera is wearing a dress that looks made out of fluid gemstone the camera is zooms out revealing she is flying above a field. A halo of multicolored gems circles around her as she looks contemplative.
Then the action starts as the ground bursts open with a thousand snaring roots that try to grab the woman. But her gem-halo quickly turns into a sharp stone of blade that deflects the attack.
Another woman, wearing what could be only be described as a skintight suit made of leaves and vines bursts out of the ground. Riding a giant snake-like vine-thing. The point of the giant vine blossoms into a flower that suddenly shoots a blast of yellow-energy.
The crystal one creates a barrier that absorbs the blast. She then retaliates by throwing a barrage of crystals that detonate cold explosions when they hit.
For a moment it appears that the plant controller has been frozen over, but she then reappears behind the other, ready to drive a suddenly appearing spear through her adversary's ribcage. The spears goes through, but it's revealed to be a kind of illusion and then suddenly dozens of mirror images of the crystal one surrounding the plant controller.
Hundreds of flowers sprout from the plant controller's suit and each detaches and flies away to detonate against one of the mirror images. The scene is soon filled with dust particles and it's hard to see. There are a couple more explosive noises and then a likely-magical wind clears the view showing a wide crater filled with crystal shards. The plant controller is unconscious. Standing at to of her the crystal one observes calmly for a moment, then she shoots a beam of light at her adversary.
Her adversary stands up, gracefully admits defeat and departs flying.
The crystal one turns around and smiles to the camera.
It was like watching some kind of highly aesthetic anime battle.
"Are they all like this? Who decided to go for broke on the fight cutscenes?"
"They are all like this, modulo themes and strategies. It's absolutely wasteful. They could probably handle major infra-structure projects or heal dozens with this sort of power."
Fenris obviously doesn't care for the Witch-Queens.
"It's pretty cool. Must be good for PR. How much of their queenliness is that and how much is the magic?"
"Well, it is a nice way to show that they have power to spare - witchcraft runs on a fuel of sorts. I am not sure I understood the question?"
"Why are there witch queens, do you not have a government? Are there witch cops? Witch lawyers?'
"We have standard regular form of governments, it is just so happens there are witch-queens in addition to those. They get to be queens because they can throw that kind of power around. It makes easy for people to obey you."
"We are likely to be stronger than Witch-Queens, but are not sure. We are also not the only dreamshapers back home but the others are various flavor of traumatized. Mostly we have been trying to stay safe and secure ourselves, before making any serious move."
"I am sort of afraid he might make mistakes like I - I guess it's we - made before. But he should be fine..."
"I was thinking about the other Felix. If he's alone in my world...I just hope he's okay."
"Me too. I think the two here have mostly... trying to focus on working so they don't think about it."
"Are things still going on back there? It wouldn't kill them to wait for you to get back..."