There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Things are still moving, but it's okay, we all knew what we signed up for when moved between worlds."
"We are still recovering and trying to consolidate and patch up vulnerabilities. Which mostly manifests in the form of traumatized dreamshapers. While simultaneously trying to use dreamshaping-conjured things to get a subtle influence. ...We have been focusing on getting custody of our sister from our grandparents."
Fenris does have some notes, which he shows them to Stiles.
The minimum dreamshaper power set includes the ability to create a pocket dimension and portals to-and-from there. This is usually accompanied by some sort of matter generation such that they create terrain to fill in the pocket dimension. This is a process of creation and dreamshapers typically can't change their dimension's environment. And it can only be done while asleep. Dreamshapers lose the ability to dream the normal way.
The pocket dimension "coexists" with the outside world such that one could describe it as occupying the same three dimensional coordinates, but being displaced in a "fourth" dimension. Meaning that if you can see through dimensions (there is a magical glass that allows this) you would observe people and things overlapping each other, even though they wouldn't be interacting in any other way. For the same reason, if one were to enter through a portal, walk a mile and then exit through another portal, they would find themselves the same distance and direction from their starting point.
However, dreamshaping is very idiosyncratic and even the above rules can be bent or defied. Some dimensions still have a relationship with regular three dimensional space, but they are internally warped or fluid. Some dreamshapers have wildly variable levels of control over the contents of their dimensions and portal creation (including the ability to shape the terrain as they want). Some dreamshapers have the power to project an "avatar" into the dimension while they are asleep.
Furthermore, dimensions have other unique-often-magical traits. They might have ambient effects, produce unique species, materials, objects or people... it varies wildly. It varies from harmlessness (zones of lower gravity) to dangerous (shapeshifting monsters), not to mention apparently random, like a dimension that gives you a knife when you visit it for the first time and teleports it back to your hand in the subsequent visits.
"So, in short. With minimum preparation any dreamshaper could invade anywhere and a good chunk of them could contribute other things like weapons or mind control. Can you imagine the chaos an ill-intentioned dreamshaper could wreak? Or even just a misguided one?"
"Somewhat, it does mean that they can't work their dreamshaping and they might be too tired to direct the dreamshaping once they do fall asleep, but that isn't sustainable. Not to mention they might be in a spot where they can direct their dreamshaping but not lucid enough to consider the consequences of their actions. Like creating explosives as a means to free themselves."
"We are not aware of any means to do so. As far we can tell it's permanent."
"How many different things do you guys have- skymages, dreamshapers, witch queens, is that everything?"
"Oh, not even close to everything, but they are the three most powerful things by far. I do have a compilation of other various magical phenomena."
Fenris shows him the relevant document, it's... at least a couple hundred items long. "Most of it is very minor or very specific, though. And largely not relevant except by way of example."
"Okay. So if it turns out being a werewolf and being a witch queen don't really mesh, could that help solve the problem?"
"Maybe, but not likely? There is a component to it that isn't hereditary and can be taught, unlike skymagery."
"If you find enough people you can trust and make them into dreamshapers...kind of like a dreamshaper revolution?"
"True, but it's a big if and the other dreamshapes back home would actively work against this plan. The last person to own the dreamshard kidnapped them and used them for personal gain."
"Agreed," Fenris says somewhat approvingly. "Maybe the girls already came back from the lion's den?"
Here are the girls. They returned safe and sound and tell then how the Operation: Lion's Den went through.
"We can't trust anyone who hunts people. Maybe they decided you're like werewolves: acceptable targets."
"It sounds like they think Kate was out of line, they might see that as betrayal no matter how they feel about us."
"I don't think they know we are supernaturals." Vera says. "I didn't read any sign they are suspicious that we are."
"They might have found my hair suspicious," Vii suggests waving at her long white hair.
"Maybe, and we were pretty mysterious," Vera admits, "but I don't think they decided we are magical or even suspiciously motivated. At any rate I don't trust their judgement either. In the same conversation they talked how a mother would never reject their child but also how the current system hinges on alphas consistent ability to do so. I really doubt they have the self-awareness to realize that the same failure mode applies to the situation with Kate."