There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"I'm glad you did...I barely know Allison. I mean, the way I feel about her isn't nothing, but I can't let that stop me from doing something I'll regret missing out on."
Kato makes a complicated face, at least two of the emotions expressed are hope and confusion.
"That is reasonable." Felix agrees seriously. "What if she asks to meet Kato for some reason?"
"I mean, it would be reasonable if Kato didn't want to meet her because of the awkwardness of the situation."
"Should we check on Derek before I talk to Allison? I don't know if the process has to be checked on..."
"It doesn't require it, all you're going to see is a large rock, a stone fountain on top of it and inside the fountain a tiny baby derek sleeping."
Felix laughs, Kato follows along. "Okay, I don't see where is the harm in that."
Presumably, Scott will follow them to a chamber where there is indeed a large rock (house-sized held in place by strong metallic structures), where they can find a baby sleeping underwater. The fountain is adorned by statue that is immediately recognizable as Derek, but with wings.
"He is going to get his wings back one he wakes up." Felix comments.
"Pretty much, the magic is also inserting his mind into this body while doing the magical equivalent of scanning with an antivirus."
"I mean, our world does have mind-affecting magic and it can restore memories that you lost after becoming immortal too. It doesn't go wrong, because it is careful and takes it's time to insert the mind properly in the body, albeit Fenris thinks it could go a lot faster if it was less careful."
Nothing else for it.
Scott calls Allison. They talk.
He knows this is the smart move. Safest for him and for her.
It feels awful, though.
He's back through the portal by nightfall.
Does he want to talk with anyone in particular? Kato is here reading something about economics.
"We broke up. I can't keep lying to her about what I am, and when I started to tell her about this...I couldn't tell her what I am, either. It made me feel kind of silly about the other stuff."