There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
There aren't that many things he wants in this world.
What he really wants, above all else, is his family back.
So he asks.
"My uncle has been catatonic for nearly five years. Can you help him?"
"Can anyone become a dreamshaper? We should just find someone who likes immortality to do it."
"Yes, but there is a risk the person might never wake up and they only control the power if they wake up. There is also no way to stop being a dreamshaper and not expanding the dimension can be hard on the short term and is impossible on the long term. Worth looking into it, but finding volunteers that fit 'likes immortality' and 'will accept death if they dimension is dangerous' will make things hard."
"Scott would do it, if he found out before I did. Now he has me to stop that."
"I can appreciate dreamshaping potential, but I'll not jump at the first opportunity to risk someone's life like that, don't worry. And the relationship between personality and dimension might not be straightforward either way."
"For the dreamshaper? With two dreamshapers and five immortals around it is pretty safe, we can just open a portal to your dimension find you and then lead you out of the portal, which will wake you up just fine and give you control over dreamshaping. And I'm not exactly offering it, dreamshaping can be quite dangerous on itself."
"Is it really easy to mess up? I can probably handle weird magic, that sounds like exactly my sort of thing."
"Not exactly mess up. But your pocket dimension might be dangerous in a way that you can't contain or change, I'm talking stuff of literal nightmares. Not to mention that we are not yet on the share-great-power stage yet. And while we are pretty certain the dimensions are somehow personality based, the data on what traits are relevant and how they manifest is rather lacking."
"Okay, fine, great power, great responsibility. I get it. I should probably get out of your room, huh."
"If you think there isn't anything else to do. I must say this was a fun break of my privacy. Let's make it unique so we can treasure it forever."
"I meant that as you're welcome to visit, but do not snoop around again. But nice meeting you too."
Fenris messages to the others what happened and tells them that he is going to check on the shard and meditate on it.
Their current security set up is simpler than back home, but suitable enough for a world with only two dreamshapers.
He goes to the basement and goes through a portal that opens to a large pocket of air beneath the ice. Originally it was just big enough that they could construct the supporting structure and then melt the ice, rinse, repeat, until it got tall enough that the portal opens to a sudden drop in air, which Fenris easily can float through.
He goes through a second portal at the bottom of that pocket of air, one that opens to a large underground bunker that almost looks like a luxurious suite it has it's own hydroponic garden which Vii is currently tending. Fenris nods at her and she nods back. Fenris goes through a third portal, another pocket of air, then another bunker. There are in fact ten of these bunkers, each impossible to access without the aid of portals, they just haven't got around making the intervening air bubbles.
Fenris goes to a vault that scans his retina. He finds the dreamshard safe and sound inside.
He picks it up and meditates on it.
He could use the dreamshard to do so much, there is just so much potential and in this universe no one would be able to stop him-
Felix invites him inside, looking a bit self-conscious he takes Derek to an outdoor area where the others are waiting.
"Okay, we have a few options on how to help your uncle, but some require a bit of more detail. We know of at least three universes, this universe, our original one, and one that is similar enough that has a werewolf Scott in it and where a copy of me landed starting this whole mess. We've noticed that time doesn't flow at same rate in each universe. Our original universe moved fraction of seconds during all the time we have been here. The thing is that if it moves just a few seconds forward then our entire team we meant to send will come and that includes an extreme medical genius and someone that can produce a cure to all physical injuries."
"There is also witchcraft, that is known to heal, but takes years to learn. But we already might have a solution available. Our kind of immortality is produced by me and is very efficient, if the problem with your uncle is entirely physical we can make him immortal, kill his current body and then wait a week until he grows a new body which might be fully recovered. The downside is that it might not work with more delicate mental problems and is a very, very permament and might interact badly with future solutions. Also, he will have wings and some weather-related powers on top of the immortality.
"He should be, the magic is pretty adaptable and can reconstruct magical powers from our own universe. Of course this isn't something that has been tested."
Okay, vaguely prejudiced against non-werewolves.
"Well, we still would prefer to wait for a couple of days in case the others show up and we still should discuss this further so you can make an informed choice. It is important to understand that my immortality is a very permament thing and if it doesn't solve the problem or interact badly with future solutions it isn't something we can revoke by any means we know of. One of its failsafes against mind tampering is forking, duplicating the two versions of the person, this might lead us to have multiple copies of your uncle and they might be any combination of catatonic or recovered. And we might need to try mind tampering to help him if immortality doesn't. Would he be okay with multiple versions of himself walking around? Some of which catatonic?"