"You made a wish around a vengeance demon? And it got you me? What the hells did you ask it for? Or is it something more obscure?"
"I didn't know it was a vengeance demon at the time. I still don't know it's a vengeance demon, but that seems the most likely. I wished that my friend could help me with something that required the help of someone magical, and I mentioned that I required the help of a witch, specifically, and not, say, a Slayer."
"I'm a witch, but right now I don't feel very helpful, you are not the most welcoming hostess I've ever met."
"What, you think I expect you to help me? No, thanks, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on while ensuring that all my limbs stay attached to my body," she says. "You appeared in my apartment after I made a wish around a probable-vengeance-demon, I am not a trusting person on the best of days, and I just made an uncharacteristic judgment error that I am not keen to repeat. I'm not feeling particularly welcoming."
"Look - I look like someone you know? Who's named Bella? Why don't you get her to come see if I seem to be - like her?"
Speaking of which, she should probably check to see if Bella's come back to her phone yet. She does that now.
"Sorry, something came up," she says. "An unknown entity who seems to be a witch version of you and looks the part has appeared in my apartment. It's possible she's a harmless copy of you, but it's also possible that she's something more alarming, and the only way I can think of to confirm which is which is to have her talk to you. How quickly can you get here?"
"Uh. Ten minutes. What do you mean 'witch version of me'? Like, I didn't know magic existed till I was called, so something else must be different."
"I haven't asked her detailed questions about her memories or where she came from yet, but I agree, that's a point of interest," she says. "Do you want me to stay on the phone with you? I'd like to start grilling her now, but I can put you on speaker if you want to be part of the conversation."
"I shouldn't phone and drive. Grill away, but be civil, if she is a me and we can't get her home it'd be incredibly inconvenient if you and her couldn't work together."
"...I may have botched that already, I panicked when I found her. I tried my best to explain why I panicked, but I did panic. I can explain in greater detail later, if you need to drive."
"All right." Cara hangs up. She pulls up a chair and sits across the table from possibly-Bella. "Are you willing to answer my questions?"
"If you don't get too personal or - like you're trying to figure out how to kill me or anything, I guess?"
"I'm not going to try to kill you unless you attack me or are otherwise definitively proven to be threatening," she says. (And probably not even then. Even if she managed to hold her own, she doesn't think she could kill someone who looks that much like Bella). "Would asking you how you found out about the existence of magic count as being too personal?"
"Since well before I was born and narrowly before my parents were but I couldn't pass a history quiz on it."
"Interesting," she repeats. She doesn't share her thoughts on that just yet. "But you still have the Slayer line, the Watchers' Council, etc?"
"Uh, the Slayer line was exterminated about when everyone found out about magic, someone killed all the Potentials first and then got the extant Slayer and that was it. I think there might be some former Watchers left but they've mostly dispersed into the USADI and similar organizations to get the monster-handling - handled, by non-slayer persons, in a systematic way."
"Can you tell me more about the USADI?" she says. "Public or private institution, modus operandi, that sort of thing?"
"Public. There's a draft in effect if you have the right skills, so I'm not publicly a witch, although signing up voluntarily's a viable career option if I think I can get research or medic work, and they might be smart enough not to try to put me anywhere the ability to walk across a flat surface without tripping is necessary, so my odds aren't awful there. They're - ruthless, but they keep it pretty damn firmly aimed at the nasty biteys."