"Yeah. Uh, it's gotten a little hard to find vampires in Sunnydale recently, so we might have to schedule in occasional trips to neighboring metropolises if I'm supposed to practice on vampires. I don't think it's quite humane to keep a supply of them in the basement unless there are civilized ones that have escaped my notice."
"If there are, they've escaped my notice, too," says Cara. "There are hints of that in a few books, but nothing concrete. Trips to neighboring metropolises are a good idea. In fact, you should probably leave a few alive to spread the word. The better reputation a Slayer has, the more nervous the supernatural community will be, which makes life easier for everyone. Actually, you might want to make that trip to China anyway and stake some vampires there."
"Can't I spread the word with graffiti or something? Graffiti does not murder people. Sweep a dusted vampire into a little heap and spraypaint SHE IS HERE on the nearest wall?"
"That could work, if you do it enough times. It's appropriately ominous," says Cara. "Hm. I wonder if I ought to come along on these excursions, or if we should invest in a small recording device and an earpiece for me to shout advice into in the event that you encounter an unfamiliar demon."
"Does the Watcher's Council supply Slayer funding? That seems like a valid purpose for a Watcher's council. I blew my allowance for a good long while on my crossbow."
"On occasion, but we're not a particularly rich secret organization. I'd be willing to delve into my income to pay for something like that if it seems like it'd be useful. I could live off instant ramen. It'll be like the university all over again."
"A council that periodically murders Slayers for the ostensible greater good is merely evil. A council that obliges its Slayers to eventually get day jobs to support themselves is also stupid. It's hard enough to juggle with school, which I can blow off without starving to death if I have to. But hopefully we can nudge along without you having to resort to too much ramen. Yummy though it occasionally is."
"And I know the Watcher's Council is a bit evil. But it's fixable. It has to be. I wouldn't be here if it weren't." She sounds almost like she's trying to convince herself.
"Do you really think being a teacher is anyone's first career choice? No, if I thought the Council was beyond repair, I would have long since embarked on my glamorous career as an estate tax attorney. Instead, I'm here trying to convince high schoolers that the Aeneid is relevant to their lives. Speaking of which, I know you're new, I know I've seen you before, but for the life of me I cannot remember your name."
"Bella Swan. I doubt I'm the talk of the teacher's lounge for anything but novelty; Slaying has displaced homework in my life priorities list."
Cara sighs. "At least you have a good reason. Your after-school activity saves lives. Would you be interested in transferring to Latin so that we can disguise your Slayer training as private tutoring sessions?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about that because of some of the books in the library being various languages which, whatever their virtues, are not Spanish. Have you got an intro-level section meeting fifth period or will this call for more elaborate shuffling?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. Convenient. Shouldn't be too hard to put in for a transfer," she says. "Also, you're quite right, Latin is a helpful language to know for anyone trying to learn about demons."
"I think you have to get a signature from your Spanish teacher," she says. "You can get the form at the front office. And then we can start planning our not-at-all-suspicious student-teacher trip to San Francisco or wherever."
"A large vampire population. I was just naming a random city you may want to use as Slaying grounds. There are other places we could go if you prefer."
"I'm not picky about where I do my Slaying, really. L.A.'s closer, though. I'll get Señora Hawthorn to sign the form tomorrow."
"L.A. it is. Now, you should probably eat something, and I should probably mop up all this blood. See you in a few days, fifth period?"
Off goes the Slayer.
She turns up with her transfer form the following Thursday ready to attempt to integrate midstream into Latin.
Cara makes it a point to mention that she is available for tutoring after school.
And after the last bell, here she is.
"I told the Council about your existence last night," she says. "I also told them you were not interested in interacting with them further than you had to. They took the news with the expected amount of squawking."