Gren idly considers trying to alter her Siberian-projections, but it's a very specific pattern, doing something weird involving physics she doesn't really understand. It wouldn't work if she changed something, in all likelihood.
"Next up, instant tech education.
You sure you didn't want the free practice with anything else too? Languages, martial arts, piano? The kind of things where you'd have to prove you're eighteen first?"
"Is there a martial art that's good for dodging, or for striker powers that just have to touch to win? This world's version of Suomic and Ostkav might be nice, in terms of languages. Spanish too. As to the last thing, no. Just no. It'd be creepy to learn that from machines."
For martial arts, baritsu is a good one for avoiding contact. Slipping through and leaving the opponent clawing the air and all that. Works as well as any for landing touches too, if you're the striker involved."
"Baritsu it is, then. Ostkav... I don't think it actually has a counterpart, here. The nation of Ostmark is a dozen or more countries in this world. Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, the Ukraine. Nevermind."
It's just information being downloaded, but it feels like Gren is experiencing learning the things as normal except sped up several thousand times. It somehow makes learning languages not boring. She gets three "I Know Kung Fu" moments in less than half an hour.
She's in a thoughtful mood today, huh?
The two hours of demonstrating techniques so Cranial can copy them will go by subjectively quickly as Gren considers her new knowledge.
And after Copycat pays the rest of the money, it'll be a successful dubiously legal business deal.
After she takes care of some outstanding jobs, it's time to pay an invisible visit to Brockton Bay to see if the Undersiders are being evil, and to try to find Coil again.
As far as anyone knows, the Undersiders are mostly not extorting protection money or selling drugs or taking advantage of being the only major villains at all. How exactly this is profitable for them is an open question, but at least controlling a city is good for their reputation.
If Coil is still in the city, there's no sign of him. His soldiers put up some resistance, but seem to have either fled or defected to Tattletale.
Copycat would like to know whether Dinah Alcott is still alright, though, and maybe visit her.
Dinah is all right, or at least as close as one can get when one is like twelve and coming out of that kind of drug withdrawal. She has been selling predictions to the Protectorate and being cossetted by her parents and is perfectly happy to receive a visit from Gren, for a rather solemn value of perfectly happy.
Copycat can give her a jolt of well-being from one of her healing powers when she visits, because why not? She names a time and lets Dinah pick the place.
One of the many sensory powers she likes to keep half-active whenever she's out and about is Skitter's bug-sense. They're not in her territory, but if the terrifying swarm queen comes by Copycat will probably notice.
Gren shows up in street clothes, though her mask is in the messenger bag at her side just in case. She finds Dinah easily. "Hullo, Dinah. How's freedom treating you?"
"It's - better," Dinah says. "My parents are still... strongly reacting... to everything but I'm glad to be out. How've you been?"
"I'm doing well, on average. There's lots of stuff to see on this Earth, so I've been wandering a lot. My mom's still on Earth Gimel so I haven't seen her much recently, but that's kinda traditional for Witches. The wandering, not the entirely new world."
"I made a really elegant sort of melded hard-light attack between New Wave, Legend, and Knight, one of my old squadmates. Still can't copy tinkers, which is annoying, but I met Strider and his teleportation is so much more efficient. I'm gonna try and have another go at permanently rather than temporarily copying you, unless you mind. Mental powers don't agree with me most of the time, unfortunately. There's a lot of flavors of shaker and striker powers... Flechette is neat - she makes things ignore physics for a while. It could probably cut through endbringers, it's a very stubborn sort of effect. I got a new kind of healing, eight new kinds of telekinesis, about a dozen new senses... Oh, and the Siberian's projection. Can't channel touch effects through that, though."
"Go ahead," Dinah says. "You should probably collect all the powers you can. Make Eidolon jealous."
"Much obliged. There's still a limit on how much I can use at once. My amulet is just about charged to its limit, I'm gonna start on a new one soon. People looking at us or listening to us will find us uninteresting right now, by the way. Not foolproof but the least invasive hidey power I have." She looks at Dinah in a different way. "Yup, precognition is still as confusing heck..." They're at the front of the line. Gren orders a double scoop of cookie dough flavor.
"Huh, this is one of those shops with chess sets on the tables. Want to have a match and cheat outrageously against each other?"