"Now, my prices. Given the potential danger from your last member, the heat I'll bring down by moving known villains across the world barrier..."
They're high. Very high. But not completely out of reach, they can afford two round trips to Gimel for everyone and then some.
Places is oddly well informed on the available funds of successful mercenary villains. But the Travelers are willing to spend more of their money on this than most customers, at least going by how their leader talks. To minimize the number of trips they arrange for three to go earlier and arrange a place to hide their other member, then the remainder to follow with her.
"Some city where where money is good, either currency, and close to some of the more promising capes." He scans the list. "Does a geas work on involuntary actions?"
"London would be my best bet. One of the transformers is there, at least three geasers, and probably someone who can do curses but I don't keep close track on them. And it's a big center of government and trade to boot, so Bet dollars are gold there. Geases work on obsessive disorders and nervous tics and the like, but not for example your heartbeat or that thing where you kick if someone hits your knee just right."
And whenever the three that are going are ready and the money is counted by that guard...
They and all their luggage are in a nondescript but old-looking warehouse in Earth Gimel's London. "Go nuts."
They do. Going from being present in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar world with nothing but the clothes on one's back (and lots of money) to being in possession of a fortified vault isn't necessarily easy, but it works eventually. When it does, they contact Places again. The transport for the remaining Travelers is going to be the dangerous one.
She shows up at the designated place with two guards. The second one is wearing non-costume armor and a simpler mask labelled 'N'. "I need line of sight on your last member. Where to?"
"This way. Light's low, it makes it easier for her around people." All the clients are speaking softly. They lead the way to a heavy steel door, which they open.
She follows, whispering, "Twenty-five seconds to build up juice once I see them. N is a telekinetic, she'll hold your last member back if they attack."
She doesn't attack. She's studiously facing away from the strangers, and while some of her body is wavering and gesturing at them she doesn't make any especially sudden moves.
And they're in the Travelers' Earth Gimel vault. Everyone falls two inches. Places and her guards back out of the door immediately.
Thanks to the list they got from Places, finding the relevant capes—or Witches, here—is far easier than it was on Earth Bet. Oliver does most of the talking. Masks aren't customary here, and even though there's almost no risk of being recognized by the same person in both worlds they may as well have the most visible face be the one that's never the same twice.
They go for one of the geas Witches first. It won't be a cure, but if Noelle can be made safe to be around then subsequent searches will be much easier.
She's intimidated and grossed out by Noelle, but money is money. What phrasing where they thinking of? So she can point out any holes.
Noelle herself doesn't express much of an opinion; making her situation less of a problem and her safer to be around would be worth it whatever side effects if comes with.
"If the power is largely passive, it would be safer to have a fully general restriction that expires at some later time. Geases can be fuzzy around involuntary or compulsory actions. How about never touching or attacking anyone at all unless the power is to her own best judgment, or one of yours, no longer a problem? If there are things that aggravate the involuntary parts of your power, you can include an clause not to let them aggravate you. It might help. I can loosen or remove a geas easily if you change your mind, by the way."
"How does the not being aggravated clause work?" the blonde Traveler asks. "She has to avoid those things, or they magically don't affect her, or they affect her less depending on how much choice she has in it?"
"I'm not entirely sure how it will work with otherworldly powers, but it mostly helps you not care about the things that are aggravating you. It takes away, automates, most of the mental effort. When I geas addicts not to crave their sin of choice, they still crave it, but they find it easier to dismiss or ignore the craving because they are not allowed to let it affect them. It only helps so much, but some is more than none."
"Do it," comes Noelle's voice, piped in remotely. "I need all the help I can get with ignoring this...craving."
Repeat after me: I swear that I will not touch or attack another person until such time as my power is no longer harmful, to my own best judgment. While this oath is binding I will consider actions on my part that may be attacks, as attacks. While this oath is binding I will not allow the cravings or impulses caused by my power to affect me. While this oath is binding I will not allow involuntary responses to break this oath in whole or in part. So mote it be."
"...in whole or in part. So mote it be."
Everyone here is in very much in favor of moteness.
"Is there a safe way to test if it worked, or do we have to have someone come here and see if it got easier for me to resist?"