We were fighting Bakuda. We've fought the Empire, the Merchants, Lung. I'm staying with the Undersiders because I think taking over the city would help things."
She sighs. "You believe it. Or you're very good at controlling your emotions... I'm not a hero, Skitter, not really. All this public duty and so on... It's annoying. It makes me a target for people like fucking Coil. I only do it because I kinda have to. 'All that is needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing,' and so on. I don't have to like it, but I fight the monsters. Are you a monster? Your team?"
"I think that's the wrong question. I'm not, but neither was Kaiser or Skidmark. People don't need to be monsters like Bakuda to need to be stopped. Most people aren't, even most of the people I wouldn't want to share a city with aren't."
"You don't control the Undersiders, I think. If I let you go and they turn out to be a bunch of sadistic warlords, it's effectively my fault. If I ran away from an Endbringer, I'd consider myself a mass-murderer. If I leave and you let gangs collect protection money, or let people like Coil kidnap and drug people for their powers, it's my fault. I never would have left his base if my old team didn't show up and blast their way out. I won't let anyone else suffer that, or enable it, if I can help it."
"Coil kidnapped and drugged you?
I don't control the Undersiders. There wouldn't be any other gangs around if we succeed, and none of the Undersiders are the sadistic variety of warlord. Not saying Regent goes out of his way to care about other people, but the rest of us do have some control, and we know what brings down more heroes on our heads.
Stopping people from making others suffer is why I'm in this."
"I turn eighteen soon and graduate from the Wards. Couple of weeks. I probably won't join the Protectorate. Let's say you show me that the streets are kept relatively clean in the next couple of weeks. I won't vouch for you guys. But I don't help hunt you down, either, I wander the world or something instead. And if you start being evil, if there are verifiable cases of the Undersiders doing more harm than good, I come back and I correct my mistake. With as much force as necessary."
More importantly, "is Coil doing that to anyone right now?"
"He said he was holding just one other person, that precog, for her own good. My team broke her out when they got me. But he was probably lying."
"Sounds like the kind of villain who needs to go. I'll talk to my team and see if I can convince them."
"I'm glad we could reach an agreement, then."
She waves goodbye and walks out, still blurred from that Stranger power. Any bugs that try to land on her die. A few buildings away, she teleports back to the base.
Leaving Skitter to figure out how to talk Regent into taking down the guy who signs their paychecks or Coil into giving up whatever drugged captives he probably has. This should be fun.
To the people trying to convince her to join the Protectorate she says that being a Ward was largely annoying and being part of the Protectorate would probably be moreso. She's not going to become a vigilante, though, she intends to wander the world selling healing or other nonviolent powers. She's willing to show up if they call her in on something, if they pay her for things she is called in on of course.
She will have to leave behind the costume and the Citrine Mage name; apparently the lawyerly members of Glenn Chambers' department say those stick with the organization.
That said, she'll be in high demand wherever she goes for the healing alone.
She makes it known that meeting a new (non-tinker, she can't copy those) parahuman can be an acceptable alternate payment, and starts wandering the world. Healing is probably what she ends up doing most of.
Meanwhile, another unknown cape has been learning the ways of the internet, establishing contacts, and setting up her own business. She calls herself Places, and will teleport anything anywhere if the price is right.
Customers from rich civilians in a hurry to supervillains in need of a getaway. If she's not at least a little selective she'll get classified as a villain herself even though most of her clients are completely outside the cape world.
She's pretty good at covering her tracks, electronically or otherwise. There doesn't seem to be a real person anywhere on Earth Bet that corresponds to the cape known as Places.
Is Places at all informed on what powers exist on the rumored Earth Gimel? And if there's much variety, is she willing to take people there?
An expanded subset of the list will cost an amount of money that's significant for some random joker but close to pocket change for a supervillain group: $5000. The full list and contact information will cost more, she hasn't decided how much yet. Going to Earth Gimel (Terra, as it calls itself) will cost quite a lot, especially if they want her to keep it quiet, and comes with conditions, the first of which is an in-person meeting at a time and place that Places chooses. She'll have a bodyguard, by the way, and you do not get to know what powers the guard has except that Places thinks it's enough to keep her safe long enough to teleport away.
They can pay whatever it takes for the full list; they've been successful so far. They're looking for powers that can transform people, powers that can heal, powers that can enforce action, and anything that Bet would consider a trump power.
At the meeting, even though they said transport for six, only five show up. And they want to make sure Places' power doesn't require physical contact.
"Let's get straight to business. You have the money?" They do. "Here's the list." A USB drive is handed over.
"I don't need physical contact, but I do have a mass limit and a number-of-targets limit. As to the powers you inquired about: There are at least two who can transform people into animals. Another can transform men into women and vice versa. There are various healers depending on what you want healed, but none of them match Panacea. There are a couple flavors of enforced action. The first is geasing. When willing targets swear to a particular phrase, they become literally unable to break the promise. There are also curses, which are rather finicky but have been known to de-power people, among many other unpleasant things. Will you be wanting to go to Earth Gimel soon?"
The red-costumed man in the top hat does most of the talking. "I imagine we will. It might take several trips, to prepare things safely. And what is this mass limit? Our sixth member might exceed it, in which case we'd need to bring all the candidate capes here one at a time."
"If I teleport anything over two tons I'll need time to rest. I can't safely 'port anything over twelve tons. There's more you'll need to know, though - Gimel's capes work differently than Bet's. They all get low level brute, mover, and blaster stuff, only women, no trigger events, they decay with age... And you can't buy 'em." She tilts her head inquiringly. "For my own safety, your sixth member is what they call a Case 53, correct?"
Gimel capes can work however they want, so long as they work. If nothing does work, we'd probably want passage back when Bet is our best chance again. Wouldn't want to throw away our shot. Will we be able to contact you from there?"