That was a mistake. Gren follows them. Unless that... Thing... Is as fast as Eidolon, she can catch it between fast-flight and space-warping. She follows it through all the evasive maneuvers they pull, ready to stop them from falling to their deaths when it finally breaks down.
Leet wakes up Uber, and immediately tells him that they got the dramatic exit for the video. They give it as much speed as they can, just in case Gren happens to be at exactly her top speed already.
She was not at her top speed already. A cloud forms in front and around them, and Gren tracks their position through another power.
(It turns out it's hard to intentionally cry precisely one tear while in freefall, but Uber settles for saying "Goodbye, Arwing" and saluting it before taking care of the landing.)
"I got em," she reports, including the address.
Browbeat and Vista are there first, since the chase didn't get very far. A prisoner containment van isn't far behind.
"These guys are annoying. Couldn't they have done, what, a video game show? Without stealing stuff and reflecting lethal ammo?"
"They could have. But then they'd just be people with a video game show, instead of being the video game show capes. Still, they're off the streets now."
The rest of the patrol is uneventful. Back to where the Merchants were (a lot of them were committing non-cape-related crimes that are technically more of a job for the regular police, who are there by now) then around the city getting the occasional usually-false alarm and generally having a presence on behalf of the Brockton Bay Wards.
Caught Uber and Leet today. Anybody know what an Arwing is?
Relatedly, Uber and Leet have fans. Threads about them often devolve into arguments about whether they're Not That Bad or Just Like the Rest, and the former faction isn't happy with Gren and the Wards. But it's more in the sense of their favored sports team having suffered a loss than actually thinking she should have let them go. Usually.
She's used to the internet having a few... Extremists. She keeps her replies diplomatic and signs off before too long. After some other recreational uses of the internet and some homework, it's time to sleep, and then back to the usual schedule.
In the cape context, the current usual schedule involves the ABB attacking another gang every few days. During the last time Lung was involved, Armsmaster arrived in time to fail to capture Lung. The dragon apparently knew about the tinker's tranquilizers in advance, and was able to avoid being captured.
The Director asks some of the Wards with useful powers if, this being strictly optional and with other choices available, they'd be willing to join the next effort.
Gren would be more than willing to help. As long as she's allowed to flee if things go too far south.
The Wards are strongly advised to do exactly that. They're backed up by the PRT, Armsmaster, Dauntless, and Battery—most of Brockton Bay's speedsters were killed pulling people away from Behemoth's kill aura, but Armsmaster should be able to stall Lung for an evacuation if necessary. Gren and Clockblocker are the main chance for actually succeeding, with Vista supporting Clockblocker.
As long as that's understood, she's perfectly happy to go over plans of attack and discuss tactics and wait for the best opportunity to swoop in.
The two ways to end the fight are to freeze Lung and have everyone appear to leave, so that his power wears off, or hit him with enough stun bolts that he goes down. If neither works, they should evacuate.
Can she have a containment foam sprayer integrated into the spare compartments of her Steelwing?
Most of the containment foam will be coming from vehicle-mounted launchers. Anything portable enough for a Steelwing isn't likely to do much against Lung, but it's not like it'll hurt.
She's ready to go whenever Lung is located next.
Later that evening, Lung is spotted in Empire territory. The PRT got called early, when he was just barely starting to ramp up. The sooner the first responders get there, the less outgunned they'll be. The relevant capes get notified as soon as possible and the vehicles head off right away.
Gren flies high above the city and locates the exact area with enhanced vision. She mutters information about who's fighting and exactly where while waiting for the rest of the capes to arrive.
Lung, still humanoid but two feet taller than usual, is fighting a group of Empire capes. Stormtiger is on the ground injured, Cricket is dodging Lung's blasts of fire, and Hookwolf is matching him blow for blow. Cricket and Lung notice Gren just before the other capes arrive on the scene.
The area where Lung is, is now extremely difficult to move in. Everything slows to a stop - bullets, debris flying through the air, people. It won't immobilize Lung, but it should at least slow him down since he can no longer put momentum behind a punch or run. At the same time she starts sending down a steady stream of stunbolts. Not a huge burst of them, but a pace she can keep up for a while. And she tries to disorient or blind him with flashes of light.