"Two flyers in one day? They're getting way too common."
"It's worse," the commander informs them, "South Karlsland got hit with three at once. We're taking Lytee's express and sleeping there. You can sit out if you absolutely need to, but Freya's still recovering so we could use you as a comms relay."
"No, I'll come. I just reserve the right to complain about it."
The 42nd United Forces Witch Wing takes off and assembles into a perfect synchronized formation as Lytee charges her teleport power.
...This is not South Karlsland wilderness.
[note: halfway through this thread I created a unique account for Grendyne. Do not be alarmed by the change in account. -Rockeye]
She finds something stable enough to fly a short distance with two people. Hovering a little closer to Skitter lets her get just enough of a hold on that power to scatter the bugs. She can't micromanage, but on the fourth minute when they go through the window, all the bugs start flying in random directions.
Skitter will probably win in terms of who controls the bugs, but she can at least interfere. The first dozen stunbolts go for the thick person-shaped mass of bugs which is probably controlling them. They're unexpectedly dulled by the thick darkness, so she starts trying to dispel the stuff with Grue's power.
"Wards? I was expecting you earlier," Tattletale talks.
"What are you even trying to accomplish here? This place doesn't have nearly as much expensive stuff to steal as you'd expect, and much better security."
Tattletale's power, is the director alright? And are there actually bombs somewhere? (Those bugs trying to wrap her teammates up in silk start flying in random directions instead. She'll probably not have enough concentration for it sooner or later, but not yet.)
Oh, and she keeps working on dispelling the dark, even if it doesn't seem to be working all that well. She can see through it, now, at least.
Tattletale's looking smug (that grin can't not be described as vulpine), knows Citrine Mage is copying her power, knows she knows Tattletale knows that, and knows she knows she knows she knows she knows.... This powers is still tricky to control.
They are planning to damage the building, most of them prefer to do it with no casualties and minimal outside property damage for various reasons, but they aren't concerned with protecting any particular device that might cause the damage.
"So you know that wasn't actually her order. But you're just here to stall us, so want to hear what I've got to say?"
"Alright, fine." She watches the Undersiders, using Tattletale's power to look for the best moment to teleport directly behind them and stun them all at point-blank range.
"It's very important. The truth is...I'm stalling too. When we do our thing, stay no higher than the floor above this. No need for anyone to get hurt.
The Protectorate bursts through the door. "Just in time! Done stalling. Now."
And then she starts feeling woozy. She opens up Angel's regeneration, but not nearly fast enough apparently. She faints.
There was no explosion. Instead, they had cleanly destroyed much of the inside of the building on the upper levels, including the Wards headquarters. There is surprisingly little debris, more melted metal than strictly necessary, and no sign of a bomb or relevant tinker device. No one has any clear idea what, if anything, the villains were after. The Director's current guess is reputation; if this stunt did nothing else it put the Undersiders thoroughly on the map. Regent had claimed it was at least partly out of a grudge against her personally, but none of the Undersiders is known to have such a reason. Especially not him.
She wants to hunt these guys down. Fly above various parts of the city for a while until she smells one of their powers. How much of a terrible idea is this?
In the meantime, the Wards headquarters has been relocated to the Protectorate building. Director Piggot is going to be transferred to another city as soon as a replacement is decided upon, since a Director partially under the physical control of an active villain is a liability. She's not happy about the demotion.
She lurks on the Parahumans Online forum at the end of the third day of patrols, working out her frustration by discussing anti-Behemoth tactics on the Endbringers thread.
That doesn't mean they can't speculate on what might work. (Parian and Clockblocker was a combination that had come up before, from some of the forumites who were the most familiar with Brockton Bay.) One suggestion is pairing Citrine Mage with some other Trump for a recursive loop, though nobody can suggest an appropriate cape.
(Any thread a Brockton Bay Ward appears in suddenly gets distracted asking about recent events. She can ignore this if she wants.)
A thread about vigilantes vs villains is interesting. Gren talks about how she could maybe possibly see the vigilantes' point of view, as long as they try to be restrained about it. The police and heroes can't be everywhere, and it would be an entirely different set of issues if they could.
One commenter, having heard that Purity claimed to want to stop the Empire's crimes, asked if this means Citrine Mage let her go. Others want to know whether she thinks the current real world is a situation where vigilantes are a net good, and if not what would have to change.
Vigilantes do need some kind of accountability. Where she's from, it's that the heroes would step in if they went too far, but otherwise let the vigilantes be. No, she's not going to say where she's from. She did let Purity go, but more out of concern that the other Empire capes would escape than because she agreed with her politics. She is not a Nazi.
Gren finds herself with a private message from a newly cerated account claiming to be Skitter. She, assuming it's her, wants to arrange a truce to talk to Citrine Mage about vigilantes.
After receiving the correct responses, I'll agree to a truce for the duration of a meeting. I promise not to attempt to capture you unless you or your gang tries to hurt someone. I'd prefer to meet alone but won't mandate that. If the meeting place smells like an ambush I'll teleport away and bring the heroes down on the area.
When they meet, Skitter is a tall teenager surrounded by insects. They buzz whenever she speaks, disguising her voice. Even her shape is hard to discern in the mass of bugs. (If Citrine Mage copies her power, that will stop applying.)
"Well, you wanted to talk, so talk."
"It's about vigilantes, and villains who do more good than harm. I'm trying to do that as part of the Undersiders. We've split up the city now, each taking responsibility for part of it. I can effectively stop organized crime in my territory, and a lot of unorganized. I'm hoping you leave convinced the Undersiders are going to help the city more than they'd hurt it."
"The entire city? That's a bit ambitious, isn't it? I don't have a strong impression of your personalities. The only time I interacted with you has been that first night when Bakuda was destroying things, and during crimes. That's not exactly a good impression, you know."
We were fighting Bakuda. We've fought the Empire, the Merchants, Lung. I'm staying with the Undersiders because I think taking over the city would help things."
She sighs. "You believe it. Or you're very good at controlling your emotions... I'm not a hero, Skitter, not really. All this public duty and so on... It's annoying. It makes me a target for people like fucking Coil. I only do it because I kinda have to. 'All that is needed for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing,' and so on. I don't have to like it, but I fight the monsters. Are you a monster? Your team?"
"I think that's the wrong question. I'm not, but neither was Kaiser or Skidmark. People don't need to be monsters like Bakuda to need to be stopped. Most people aren't, even most of the people I wouldn't want to share a city with aren't."
"You don't control the Undersiders, I think. If I let you go and they turn out to be a bunch of sadistic warlords, it's effectively my fault. If I ran away from an Endbringer, I'd consider myself a mass-murderer. If I leave and you let gangs collect protection money, or let people like Coil kidnap and drug people for their powers, it's my fault. I never would have left his base if my old team didn't show up and blast their way out. I won't let anyone else suffer that, or enable it, if I can help it."