"Two flyers in one day? They're getting way too common."
"It's worse," the commander informs them, "South Karlsland got hit with three at once. We're taking Lytee's express and sleeping there. You can sit out if you absolutely need to, but Freya's still recovering so we could use you as a comms relay."
"No, I'll come. I just reserve the right to complain about it."
The 42nd United Forces Witch Wing takes off and assembles into a perfect synchronized formation as Lytee charges her teleport power.
...This is not South Karlsland wilderness.
[note: halfway through this thread I created a unique account for Grendyne. Do not be alarmed by the change in account. -Rockeye]
(stunbolt, stunbolt, gust of wind and smoke, stunbolt, stunbolt, flashbang bolt, stunbolt)
Menja lasts longer than her sister did, but eventually her opponents wear her down enough for the repeated stunbolts and Halberd jabs to bring her down. Purity, between blasts, grabs Othala and flees.
A shield forms in front of Purity's flight path. If this next round of stunbolts doesn't get her, it'll be better to save her mana than to keep chasing. She's already used quite a bit.
She tries to fly around the shield, and fires on it when she can't. She blocks as many stunbolts as possible with Othala's already-stunned body. While trying to fly away, she calls back "it's true! Ask Armsmaster!"
She radios Armsmaster. "Purity's gone, can't catch her, Steelwing's too damaged. Is HQ still under attack?"
"Faster to ride there. Should probably re-stun and foam everyone before we leave. Don't want the rest of 'em to get up. D'you know what she meant by 'It's true'?"
Not having the time for Armsmaster to try devices against Fog until something reverts him to normal, Triumph's sound waves force Fog's form into the back of an airtight containment van. He and Citrine Mage ride with Armsmaster. Dauntless is a speedster in his own right. Their PRT backup moves in to collect Menja and Fenja, while the capes rush back to the PRT HQ.
"I've got plenty of juice left, by the way, just can't fly well without a Steelwing. Triumph, when we get there I'll give you regen or invulnurability, your choice - I'll probably lose Othala's power before the day's done, but I still have it for now."
When they arrive, there are PRT personnel surrounding the building and bringing people out. The people being taken out are unconscious but apparently uninjured. "They've got the Director," Miss Militia informs Armsmaster when they arrive. "Released everyone else, and aren't interfering with rescuing unconscious victims. They knocked out everyone on the lower levels, even Lung in the cells, and say they're going to bring down the building."
Gallant gets back from being flown around the building by Aegis. "They're in one of the middle levels, the darkness on the roof is a distraction. They have to know we're here, but aren't worried about whatever their plan is being disrupted. The Director isn't worried either, for what that's worth."
She switches to a whisper spell. "I think she might be able to hear through them. She put thin webs all over the place, and there's mosquitoes or similar on most of us, tracking our position... No clue how she can keep it all straight in her head."
"We've been assuming they'll know as soon as we try anything," Miss Militia says. "Good to have confirmation. We didn't want to go in in force until everyone is out, especially Lung, in case they were serious about bringing down the building."
"Agreed. I don't think any of us wants to fight Lung again. I can identify where her bugs are. Might be able to fool her by using telekinesis on some of them. Does anyone have a guess on whether my stunbolts will work on the dogs? I don't want to nail them with starbursts or lightning or something unless I have to. Don't have as much practice aiming big destructive stuff."
"I'll take care of the bugs," Armsmaster promises. "Not all of them, but enough that I and a few other people can't be tracked very precisely."
She opens up Telescope's power. "...Looks like they're on the fourth floor. At least, there's more of Grue's darkness all over that area. Seeing through walls is handy. Can you activate the foam sprayers remotely, Armsmaster?"
The building will be empty after just a few more people. When that happens, Miss Militia, Battery, Triumph and I will go in the front door. We'll disguise our position as much as possible. We're the diversion. Citrine Mage, Aegis, Vista, get the other Wards to the fourth floor from outside. Break the window and stall them until we get up there.
Miss Militia, Citrine Mage, send Skitter false alarms every sixty seconds for," he checks a random-number generator in case Tattletale has a relevant power, "four minutes after the last person is out. We'll move on the fourth."
She finds something stable enough to fly a short distance with two people. Hovering a little closer to Skitter lets her get just enough of a hold on that power to scatter the bugs. She can't micromanage, but on the fourth minute when they go through the window, all the bugs start flying in random directions.
Skitter will probably win in terms of who controls the bugs, but she can at least interfere. The first dozen stunbolts go for the thick person-shaped mass of bugs which is probably controlling them. They're unexpectedly dulled by the thick darkness, so she starts trying to dispel the stuff with Grue's power.
"Wards? I was expecting you earlier," Tattletale talks.
"What are you even trying to accomplish here? This place doesn't have nearly as much expensive stuff to steal as you'd expect, and much better security."
Tattletale's power, is the director alright? And are there actually bombs somewhere? (Those bugs trying to wrap her teammates up in silk start flying in random directions instead. She'll probably not have enough concentration for it sooner or later, but not yet.)
Oh, and she keeps working on dispelling the dark, even if it doesn't seem to be working all that well. She can see through it, now, at least.
Tattletale's looking smug (that grin can't not be described as vulpine), knows Citrine Mage is copying her power, knows she knows Tattletale knows that, and knows she knows she knows she knows she knows.... This powers is still tricky to control.
They are planning to damage the building, most of them prefer to do it with no casualties and minimal outside property damage for various reasons, but they aren't concerned with protecting any particular device that might cause the damage.
"So you know that wasn't actually her order. But you're just here to stall us, so want to hear what I've got to say?"
"Alright, fine." She watches the Undersiders, using Tattletale's power to look for the best moment to teleport directly behind them and stun them all at point-blank range.
"It's very important. The truth is...I'm stalling too. When we do our thing, stay no higher than the floor above this. No need for anyone to get hurt.
The Protectorate bursts through the door. "Just in time! Done stalling. Now."
And then she starts feeling woozy. She opens up Angel's regeneration, but not nearly fast enough apparently. She faints.
There was no explosion. Instead, they had cleanly destroyed much of the inside of the building on the upper levels, including the Wards headquarters. There is surprisingly little debris, more melted metal than strictly necessary, and no sign of a bomb or relevant tinker device. No one has any clear idea what, if anything, the villains were after. The Director's current guess is reputation; if this stunt did nothing else it put the Undersiders thoroughly on the map. Regent had claimed it was at least partly out of a grudge against her personally, but none of the Undersiders is known to have such a reason. Especially not him.
She wants to hunt these guys down. Fly above various parts of the city for a while until she smells one of their powers. How much of a terrible idea is this?