"Two flyers in one day? They're getting way too common."
"It's worse," the commander informs them, "South Karlsland got hit with three at once. We're taking Lytee's express and sleeping there. You can sit out if you absolutely need to, but Freya's still recovering so we could use you as a comms relay."
"No, I'll come. I just reserve the right to complain about it."
The 42nd United Forces Witch Wing takes off and assembles into a perfect synchronized formation as Lytee charges her teleport power.
...This is not South Karlsland wilderness.
[note: halfway through this thread I created a unique account for Grendyne. Do not be alarmed by the change in account. -Rockeye]
Power immunity is rare on Earth Bet. There's a Ward in Boston who's immune to mental powers, but that's more as a side effect of the fact that those powers tend to work either on living or nonliving things and his body is made entirely of metal. And the Siberian is immune to practically everything, but she isn't going to stand still to be copied. Add to that the fact that powers are rarely purely defensive, and no likely candidates come to mind.
She settles for trying to practice teleporting while in less than ideal mental conditions. Though how to generate less than ideal mental conditions to teleport under is a bit of a quandry.
This they can do. Gallant, her teammate, has emotion-affecting blasts as his main power. She can practice teleporting while hopeless, scared, sad, ashamed, et cetera and so on. Or any combination. Emotions aren't the only thing mental powers can do, but they don't have any other of the relevant type of Master on hand.
It works best if she has a plan in mind before the effect starts, she can follow through simple courses of action with sheer bullheaded determination but her ability to think creatively takes a significant blow.
She continues to be unusually good at copying powers and rounding up villains.
Before long the heroes are ready for what they hope is a final assault on the resident Nazis, thanks to a confidential and/or anonymous tip about location. Wards, especially Citrine Mage, may join but are naturally not required to.
Citrine Mage would indeed like to join. Her usual warning that every fight she fights potentially means less stored-up power later applies. Though this is less severe a restriction than it used to be - if she is ever actually low on mana, there's a few immigrant Witches operating as rogues in Brockton Bay by now. One healer, that weather precog (who brought along an apprentice of sorts, one with cooking magic), three with various flavors of telekinesis. The PRT can buy off their mana to refill Gren's reserves if they get significantly depleted.
They've got a time and place where the remaining Empire Eighty-Eight leadership will be. Leadership in this case means Purity, as Kaiser and his other lieutenants have been killed (by Behemoth) or captured (by Gren). Who Purity's seconds are is unknown, but information on the capes is available. Everything from powers and tactics to which teammates they tend to be alongside. An annoyingly high number are likely to be resistant to stunbolts, but Gren is the best counter they have to Purity herself. Gren is a flying Blaster who is better at both things, if not as destructively powerful.
They've even got numbers on how many unpowered reinforcements are likely to be on hand, and all capes know to watch out for bullets.
Gren studies up on who might be there, planning to list cape names based on their powers as soon as she's close enough to tell them apart. She's been practicing unusually placed shields - they'll always be easiest to cast right in front of herself, but she might be able to completely shut down Purity's attempts at blasting things. Might. She definitely understands that Purity will be her priority.
But they're fully informed and expecting the fight, an advantage the Empire almost definitely doesn't have.
But Gren is not good at stealth. "They're moving, I think we're spotted!" And shields go up.
Armsmaster gives an order to Dauntless, and white light crackles from the Arclance. It burns a path through the mist, and strikes Fenja. She weathers it and rejoins her teammates.
Wait a minute.
To the team, "...Othala's in the building too. Didn't catch her at first. Can't copy her at range."
Fog does disperse slightly, but pulls himself together and keeps coming. The ranged attackers are all firing on the Empire capes, but Gren's glowing green weapon is the most visible target. Fenja lunges, not for Citrine Mage but for the stunbomb, both she and her spear increasing in size. Menja rushes ahead of her and engages the close-range fighters.
The stunbomb shrinks when the spear passes right through it. Citrine Mage applies just enough of telekinetic shove to Fenja to keep her from following up the attack, ascends, and starts charging it again. With her spare concentration she applies various shaker-type effects on the Empire's capes - the immobilization field, elemental things, telekinetic shoves, shields getting in their way, and so on. Watching Purity all the while.
Everything has a fraction of the effect it should on the giantesses, but the same does not apply to whoever they're fighting. They drag Aegis, Armsmaster, and Dauntless into the immobilization field, where they're much less slow than their opponents. They start exchanging blows. Triumph shouts that he can keep Fog occupied, and then shouts, the sound waves driving the mist back. Gallant alternates blasts between Fenja and Menja, to little effect.
The stunbomb is now large enough that she gives it a decent chance to shut down Fenja or Menja. She picks the one that seems easier to hit, and hits them with it.
While that battle is ongoing, and going badly for the Empire, Purity steps out the window. She's glowing brightly, and raises a hand. Light spirals out, blasting Triumph to the ground, then Gallant, then Aegis. Dauntless' shield blocks one with its own white light, and Armsmaster is surprisingly hard to hit. The next blast is at Gren.
Time to be more mobile. Gren starts dodging further attacks, filling the air with a hopefully overwhelming quantity of stunbolts, flitting around and trying to get Purity to make a mistake.
With Gren dodging and the others down or occupied, Purity starts talking.
"You attack me now? I wanted to clean up this world, same as Kaiser did, and do it without the drugs and extortion. With Krieg and Hookwolf gone too, I could maybe even get the whole Empire on board. We don't have to be enemies, but if you all insist then I'll just have to win."
She and Dauntless blast each other. Dauntless goes down.
She blasts into the building, thankful the steelwing is relatively compact, and seeks out Othala. Invulnerability probably means she's doing it.
She spots Othala easily, thanks to her cape-detecting senses. Purity fires at the steelwing, not caring for the property damage if she misses, and keeps talking to Armsmaster. Othala runs for the nearest window.
The steelwing takes a glancing blow and remains flyable, if less so. The blow Othala takes from a rain of stunbolts is not glancing.
Othala collapses. If Gren returns outside, she'll see Purity and Armsmaster still talking, neither moving against the other, while Triumph holds Fog at bay and Aegis gets coming back no matter how often Menja hits him. Fenja starts to get up, and Armsmaster gives her a small dose of whatever kept Lung down.
And since Purity shouldn't be invulnurable anymore, Citrine Mage can go back to trying to get a stunbolt on her.
Armsmaster calls out orders, "Gallant! Aegis! Get back to base, it's under attack." He gets back to dueling Menja, while Dauntless and Citrine Mage blast at Purity.