"Two flyers in one day? They're getting way too common."
"It's worse," the commander informs them, "South Karlsland got hit with three at once. We're taking Lytee's express and sleeping there. You can sit out if you absolutely need to, but Freya's still recovering so we could use you as a comms relay."
"No, I'll come. I just reserve the right to complain about it."
The 42nd United Forces Witch Wing takes off and assembles into a perfect synchronized formation as Lytee charges her teleport power.
...This is not South Karlsland wilderness.
[note: halfway through this thread I created a unique account for Grendyne. Do not be alarmed by the change in account. -Rockeye]
"If the valuables are a power constraint, that part isn't a problem. For my department, at least. You'd be surprised what we tolerate for that. It's the image I'm concerned with. Dark colors like your suggestion imply shadows, secrecy, and draw attention away from you. Not very heroic, and Brockton Bay already has Shadow Stalker. Another hero perceived as the darker type might push the team over the edge into a reputation that's better avoided."
"Hm, I can see that, very well. Can we at least keep the general - shape? More like Vista, less like Clockblocker? Oh, and you'd better discuss designs for my steelwing with Armsmaster or someone if you don't want me flying an ugly sharp metal brick around."
On the shape, it's usually a better idea to use the more defensive costumes only where needed. Visible armor suggests that your shields are weak or unreliable. This may not be true, but it affects your image. Are your shields both strong and reliable?"
"They're strong and reliable unless I'm low on mana. Or if I get taken by surprise. I would strongly prefer to have armor."
"That's not an absolute no on the armor, but it depends on a lot of factors. What do you imagine your place on a team would be, for instance? Fast response, heavy hitter, defensive backup?"
"In my original wing I was mostly fast response, utility support, and defensive backup. My copied versions of blaster and striker specials are more draining to me than their original owners, so heavy hitter would not be ideal. I like to think I'm flexible, though. And I am very fast and maneuverable in the air, I got to four hundred miles per hour on the first steelwing Armsmaster made without even trying particularly hard. It's a beautiful machine."
Or, if you're very confident, we could go the other way. Would you object to implicitly claiming to be more powerful than you are?"
"I may have already done that, on that forum thing, which I am regretting. It seems like it'd either make people not want to cross me, which is useful, or make me a target, which is not so much. I'd rather avoid further exaggeration if possible. Tch. I didn't have to deal with image in the Witches."
The purpose behind exaggeration is less to make you intimidating—or a target, it's rare for villains to target individual heroes—and more to make you look powerful to the public. If we put you in a costume reminiscent of Eidolon's, the cloak or a lighted mask alone would be sufficient, then the rest of the costume could be anything. Eidolon himself wears armor."
"I didn't wear armor before because it wouldn't help against Neuroi. You have guns here and I might be shot at before the month is out. If looking a bit like Eidolon will convince you to let me wear some armor, then I can look like Eidolon. No dark colors you said, but faint patterning like in that second picture would be nice. My shields have the patterns too."
The costume isn't about justifying the armor, though it does that too, it means that people will expect you to be versatile and decisive. To end fights quickly and never be outclassed. It doesn't mean you must literally never lose, but it does mean that any defeat is a defeat in more ways than one. It is only for the confident."
"I'm versatile and powerful at first, but I don't think I'm quite as world-class compared to some of the people you have on this planet. Particularly with my endurance. The precious metal will help with that, especially if you can get other Witches to charge it for me. Even so, I think I can handle it."
"Excellent. The other downside is that It might not fit so well with your name. Copycat is an unobjectionable name in itself, but it denotes someone playful, maybe even immature, and a follower. Not necessarily bad for a Ward, especially paired with team members perceived as responsible, but it stops working if combined with an overstated costume."
"Names are just as important. We could go with something to emphasize the message that you aren't a typical cape—it doesn't matter how true that is, just how well you can sell it—not "Witch" since that has connotations, but something like Mage or Enchantress. The magic angle fits well with the mana you've mentioned. Throw in an adjective. Gold, silver, any gemstone, do you have a color preference? Anything bright."
"Citrines. I had a little statue studded with them as a kid, I've always liked them. Their color is even a little like gold, which would be just gaudy if you made it a costume theme. If Witch won't do, Mage would be better than Enchantress. I'm not out to seduce anyone, which is the connotation that word has to me."
"All right, Citrine works. I'll put some people work on a design proposal, you can tell me what you think."
"I was expecting worse from how the others were talking about you, but at least you have a reason when you don't like my preferences. Have a nice day."
Soon after, she'll receive pictures of a possible costume. White armor and mask, with the latter appearing to be lit. Citrine light, to match the (hoodless) cloak. It probably looks a bit silly, but then, so do most costumes.
But: No issues with the shape, but Clockblocker already has a mostly-white costume. Do you think I'll be distinct enough? Maybe tint the rest of it slightly?
Even in the PRT, most people don't know she's from another world. They'll assume she can't possibly miss the connection to Scion.
She looks over a list of her copied powers. It's missing something fairly important, now that she thinks about it.
To Director Piggot, she sends another email. It occurs to me that having a nonlethal takedown power will be helpful here. I didn't need it before. I heard of someone in wing 65 - Ilya Skeldin. Ranged stun-bolts effective on organic targets. Probably won't work on people like Hookwolf, but it would be good to have. It shouldn't be too much trouble to arrange a visit, me there or her here, for me to try and copy her.
Nonlethal is absolutely necessary under almost all circumstances. Especially for Wards. We'll send you over with the next round of teleportation.
I hadn't planned on killing anybody. It could be a day or two before I come back, I'll have to get someone to teleport me the rest of the way once I'm in the correct world, or do it myself, and it can take some time for me to grasp powers well enough to keep them permanently. Is that OK?
How much time? If it's very long it might be better to try to get Ms. Skeldin here, but you do have leeway. We haven't officially unveiled your cape identity yet. If the day or two was the full count, then yes. It'd take some time to have your costume and equipment ready anyway.