"Thank you, then. If any of you pick any more forms and would like to further contribute to my obsessive project to catalog forms, my name is Avetlarin, feel free to mail me. Also if you would like a copy of the thing when I've finished, feel free to ask and I'll send copies. Though it's going to take a while to finish, I think."
She smiles a bit. "Sure." She retrieves another bit of paper that looks very list-like, and writes Mial's name on it. "And if there's nothing else...?"
Well now she just has to be contrary.
"Yes," she says, only a little tartly. "Though I can't promise literally every single dragonish, some of them might be hard to find."
And then she teleports away to the next people to survey.
Eventually, she is at a different door. She's made it to golds (having already tackled every shren house that will give her the time of day) and knocks on the door to her latest survey victim.
And a dragon who could be anywhere between the ages of two hundred and four thousand opens the door. "Why hello."
(It's probably a good thing she has her empathy turned down, not that she's aware of that...)
"I'll need your name, a list of all of your forms, and with your permission, photos of all of them."
"I'm Aurinpardamlysalavid," says Aurin. "I've got this and a booted eagle. What's your name?"
She nods, and writes this down in a section that is really not meant for that. "And, may I take a picture of you...?"
"Thank you very much. Would you like a copy of the book once I finish it? I warn you, it'll likely take a while to finish."
"I'd love one. I'd offer to get you my mother to interview, but she's at work right now. Should I expect you back another time?"