The suspected location of book contains: three of book, and one of presumably-Avet's-friend, reading one of book. He's human-shaped, and seems oddly short for a human-formed dragon, but he hasn't looked up from his reading so his eye colour isn't available to resolve the question.
Is that the correct book for her to be reading, she has no idea, oh shit, oh fuck, how does she fix this -
The book falls from her fingers and she looks like she's going to be sick. "Avet! Avet, what, why, why would you include - oh no did you survey them did you go and - and personally photograph, a whole, whole bookful -"
Avet smiles. It has an uncharacteristic edge. Not like it's forced, like some sort of predatory cat is smiling it. Like it's sharp and dangerous.
"There are multiple versions," says Avet, sugary sweet. "So you don't have to read about the whole bookful of people if you don't want to."
"You could have taken a hint and not forced yourself ever so politely into my home. It's not my fault if what you find upsets you."
"That," says Avet, "would have been rude. And you could have been anyone. One of my vampire friends, maybe, I've got a few of them. They wouldn't have cared. And it's not that I don't want anyone seeing it, it's that I am trying not to upset anyone needlessly."
"Well, you are certainly entitled to feel that way."
She follows Litet to the door, to make sure she exits safely.
"No," she says, surprisingly chipper. "Do you have a good way to get rid of a jar of applesauce? I'm not sure if I should indulge myself and make it as destructive as possible or not..."
"I mean, it's not the applesauce's fault. If you don't want your lizard relative's applesauce, I'll take it."
"...Not much fun, is it, finding out that otherwise perfectly nice-seeming people can also be lizards."