Hogwarts not!Elves
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"Maybe if we kick up enough of a fuss."


"Good luck with that."


"My family's really good at that."

Samuel sighs.


"...good at making fusses?"




The twins invite her on a tour of the house! It is a big, cluttered, extravagant, very very old house.


She compliments the decor and appreciates the tour!


And it's partway through when Miranda on her borrowed broomstick, Disillusioned by her mum to be unobtrusive in areas without cloud cover, sails in.


"Hi! Uneventful trip?"


"I got a little closer than I should've to some geese over Harlow and I had to get very high up not to be rained on for the middle third but otherwise yes!"


"Well, welcome! How's your mother? I got her this stunning new Astrology set I saw in Diagon Alley, it struck me as the kind of thing she'd appreciate -" and he pulls it out.


"Mum's great but wasn't expecting presents! Oh, and she tried Confunding me and couldn't do it. But she says she's not very good at it so it might just be that."


"Or maybe you're a fast learner, you've definitely been very motivated."


"Could be. I'm thinking I'll try to get Professor Mousebane to let me have a drop of Veritaserum and try that."


"You have to be excellent at Occlumency to throw that off, don't you?"


"Yeah, but it's pretty easy to do under controlled conditions, I just go somewhere with Karen and have her ask me stuff and nothing bad happens if I can't lie to her, so I'd rather try that than Confunduses intended to be strong enough that I get confused about more than why I walked into a room, let alone Legilimency. Or memory charms."


"Yes, please don't test anything with memory charms."


"I won't."


And there is an afternoon game of Improved Quidditch, five to a side, with the rule about only talking Quidditch in Latin lifted because some people present do not speak Latin, and Finis wants to hear some Igbo, and then there is a deliciously abundant dinner served presumably by house-elves.


Miranda is not very good at catching Quaffles but she's not a complete liability to her Quidditch team. She will speak some Igbo for Finis. Dinner is delicious.


And then presents! Presents are a holiday tradition, right? Timothy has gotten Miranda a set of magical quills: one which cyphers anything written with it so that only the writer can read it, one which will take dictation, one which changes ink colors at a tap, one which writes the same thing onto each piece of parchment in a stack, if placed atop the stack and written with. 


Miranda is ecstatic about her quills. Best quills. She didn't have a ton of money to throw around for presents for everybody, so most of the household is just getting boxes of chocolates and cute little cards, but Timothy gets a copy of Utopia in the original Latin and Minor gets some magnetite and Karen gets a box of little samples of all the kinds of woods that conventionally go in wands.


He is delighted by his copy of Utopia and beams at her. He has gotten Karen two sparkly enchanted gemstones - you can speak into one and be heard from the other.


Minor's father has gotten Minor a pair of spectacles that show electric currents. Minor is speechlessly rocking back and forth with delight.

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