Hogwarts not!Elves
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"Huh. I'mma go down to the lake, catch you later!"



And Miranda goes and looks up Legilimency.

She can subsequently be found reading books on Occlumency.


"I wasn't able to get anywhere with those at your age. You expecting to need to know it soon?"


"I'd much rather have it and not need it. Did you get somewhere with them later?"


"By now you might generously call me mediocre? I have a try for about a month every year and I got farther last summer than all the earlier ones combined, but it's difficult."


"How do you test yourself?"


"Mum has a friend at the Ministry. I tried to talk my parents into learning with me - usually they're very into learning magic - but it's a big time investment and neither of them had the time to spare."


"But what does your mum's friend actually do?"


"Tries to read my mind, tells me he can still do it which is to be expected because I am a child and children cannot learn Occlumency, requires significant wheedling to give more advice than that, by the end of this summer was stubborn and sullen at the end of our sessions which I took as evidence I'm getting somewhere?"


"I wasn't sure because the book says if you're really good you can also throw off like Confundus Charms and things."


"I am not that good yet. It's hard."


"It doesn't sound very hard but I haven't really tried it yet I guess."


"Well by all means tell me all about it if you get anywhere!"


"How am I supposed to know if I'm getting anywhere?"


"That's the problem, right? I wonder if I could throw off, like, an unusually bad Confundus - but unless someone's consistently bad, hard to tell the difference between throwing it off and it not taking in the first place..."


"So you're not a Legilimens too, huh?"


"And I complain Occlumency's hard to practice! Once I'm of age, maybe - it does sound really nice -"


"Legilimency does?"


"You could talk with a friend while you're sitting in class or a boring meeting, or have an important conversation with no chance at all of being overheard, or discreetly ask one person for verification of something that someone else just said aloud in a negotiation..."


"It didn't sound quite that - controlled - or rather it didn't sound like there was a way to sort out thoughts you mean somebody to see from thoughts you don't, so all that sounds very nice but you'd still need a very high bar of comfort with it - or maybe I'm just weird, Minor didn't think he'd mind if people read his mind -"


"A lot of my family members are very direct people. There's nothing they think that they wouldn't happily say aloud, and so on. But yeah, I'm imagining learning it with my brother or maybe a very close friend, where the ability to communicate privately would be worth it..."


"I'll probably just have my mum Confund me about something little and silly when I go home for the summer hols as a test."


"Best of luck!"




And at some point he'll mention to Minor not to go around suggesting he has sketchy powerful magic, not very helpful, that.

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