Once the business of the committees end for the day, Acevedo sends his servants to arrange a meeting with Seguer. She's obviously welcome to bring anyone she pleases with her to attend, and he makes no secret about what he plans to do here, but even if saying it in front of the convention was a necessary evil there's obviously no call to give westcrown's public the impression it's okay for them to insult even the least of the counts. That should be more than enough time for her to borrow whatever champion the oathbreaker plans to lend her.
He, on the other hand, does know of Feliu; the paladin's rather a lot more famous than he is.
"Sir Tauler? I'm Carlos Llano, the Conde Acevedo's second."
"Pleased to meet you, Sir Llano. I assume your principal isn't willing to be talked out of this? It's a tremendously silly thing to do, for two men to try to die for their right to insult each other." Feliu is a third circle paladin and the concept that he is trying to seek peace out of cowardice is a shoe that simply would not fit him.
"Not lightly. If lady Seguer spoke not of her own choice, but because she was enchanted or threatened or ordered; if it was critical to the nation or church that he do so, on evidence for the first or your word for the latter? Yes, I suspect, though I would not speak for him without asking. But the conde is an honorable man, and does not let insults to his allies pass unchallenged nor hide from the consequences of his actions."