He feels an open summons and lets it grab him -
"Uh, you may accept these terms and be on your way."
"I'll go fetch you your things," says Cam, and he steps out of the room to pretend to address a separate demon. He comes back with a boxy scooter made of steel and rubber and leather, unpainted and undetailed. "How's this?" he asks Hank.
"Could plausibly come from Camelot. Not necessarily saying I could build one, but it's 1890s enough that it looks like it."
Thisaway they go.
"I mean I haven't ruled out being able to build what this looks like. With an actual internal combustion engine and everything." Hank looks under the seat. "Cloud fluff?"
When they get to where Eyndiel needs to start, she hops on her scooter and starts it up and goes on her way.
"Strange. Is it actually better for transforming in some way, or is it just availability?"
"They get used to it, and it's a nice medium density, and it sticks to itself but not to most other substances and can be pretty easily sculpted by hand," says Cam. "Is I think most of the draw. Water is also a nice medium density but lacks the other attributes, for example."
It's actually interesting, though, because here the afterlife Heaven isn't depicted as full of clouds. I don't know when that started in my world, but it'd be too much of a coincidence if it isn't somehow related to the changers' Heav— eh, let's call it Pittsburgh."
"Pittsburgh...? What is it depicted as being like? For that matter, do they have the lakes of fire thing? The lakes of fire are real."
Mainly artists just show a bunch of people looking happy, including at least one dead saint to mark it as obviously Heaven. The clouds would be a useful shorthand.
Definitely yes on the lakes of fire. But if everyone can extinguish them at will, they wouldn't be much use for torturing people, would they?"
"They're not for people. They're for garbage disposal. I will find calling it Pittsburgh confusing. We could draw from daeva languages again, call it Ambular or something."
If there are similarly neutral words for the other two I'll probably have to write these down. But it's not like the words would mean anything if anyone found it."
"In English as spoken in Hell, Hell is sometimes called 'Void'. Yes, no, maybe? Fairyland, similarly: 'Evergreen'."
"Nothing to worry about there. Is 'Void' descriptive? Emptiness plus lakes of fire sounds surprisingly unpleasant considering that the population should have everything they want."
"Oh, we do. There's stuff in the void that people have made. Most of the population lives on an enormous tacky plane of solid gold, it's incredibly stupid and covered over in most inhabited areas with a layer of less stupid materials. But by itself it's all void, like in Ambular it's all cloud by itself."
"Much better than the other way around. Or movers in either would be pretty stuck. Is there a reason it's that convenient?"
"I mean, they're indestructible too, so there's a hard floor on how unpleasant it can be, but it's very disappointing. They import what they can from the daeva worlds - I send stuff myself, whenever there's a concordance. There's small patches of scenery here and there, and like one ocean - I don't remember if I explained to you the theory on what exactly appears in Limbo? But mostly it's featureless flat earth in all directions. When they have sources of water - near the ocean or somebody's house or whatever - they can turn it into basically serviceable bricks and build things, but not complicated things. I have a side project of keeping up with efforts to make decent nanotech, because decent nanotech could fix Limbo with a package-sized amount..."
How featureless is the earth? I could try to write up some instructions on mining and construction infrastructure from scratch, if this nanotech isn't going to exist for a while."
"Pretty featureless. I mean, there's a limit to how far down they can dig until someone dies with the understanding that afterlives just aren't complete until they include giant drills, but they've never found anything but more dirt."
How about vegetation? Trees are the best method I know of for turning dirt into useful materials. Though that'd take time to really get going."
"A small number of people have gotten plants, or things that included plants, and Void exports plants too. They don't grow really well unless they're part of somebody's original thing-they-get, but the soil isn't actively poisonous to them or anything - they need fertilizer and water and the former is not to be found underground and the latter utterly fails to fall from the sky. I know two people who got water sources as part of things - one of them has a house, the other has a mobile home - and they're very much in demand to supply water; the faucets more or less run continuously."
"That raises more questions. How does one get things, and where does the house get its water from?"