He feels an open summons and lets it grab him -
"I keep forgetting how handy it must be to be able to make things at will. That works too."
Hank looks down. "It should work. Mind waiting until the last minute, though? Even improved armor is bound to be uncomfortable."
None of the people groups the Britons are fighting at the moment have a single unified king. The Britons don't either, normally; Arthur was unusual. But if we aim for the most powerful from each set of allies, the rest should follow suit."
"I'll follow your lead on that. Also, my planned nondescript squire outfit is going to look like this," he holds up his computer, displaying a black nondescript hooded outfit, "but I'm delaying putting it on until we get there and I have to take my wings off again."
'There' is...let's say Wessex. It's not the most powerful of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, but it's the border where most of the fighting has been recently. Their capital is at Cerdicesford southeast of here, so we'll have a decent chance at finding the king there."
"You'll be able to point this out to me from the air in our ship? I can cover the landing with fog."
"I'll be able to find the city, and from there we should be able to find the palace."
"That is not a sentence that would have made much sense last week. But yes, let's make sure nobody connects angel wings with the ominous black knight."
Cerdicesford is southeast by a surprisingly small distance for an enemy capital. A fort will become visible as they approach. It's not a proper castle, but then, the Saxons haven't been here long.
Cam makes copious fog, touches down, makes a small fog machine to keep it up while they're on their errand, wires off the angel wings, puts himself in a nondescript outfit, and armors Hank.
The armor is fantastically light, compared to regular armor on the occasions when Hank hasn't been able to avoid wearing some. He gives Cam a thumbs up and starts walking toward the fort. Then he remembers he's supposed to be ominous and starts marching toward the fort.
Slinking is a pretty good idea, from the point of view of not obviously being there together. Hank is being extremely obvious about his presence, after all. When they reach the front door, he dramatically raises a mailed fist and slams it into the wood three times. It opens.
Hank ignores them, and walks forward toward the throne without saying a word.
The armored knights draw their swords, and Hank continues walking toward them and the king. Just before he reaches easy sword range, he stops and raises a hand toward them.
And that would be Cam's prompt to give them night-night drugs straight to the bloodstream.
The spectators stop edging toward the walls and start running. The king instead grabs a sword from a side of the throne that can't be seen from the door and swings it at Hank. His target is confident in the strength of titanium, and raises his left forearm to block it. And resumes walking toward the king.