He feels an open summons and lets it grab him -
"There were economic incentives involved... And demons are somewhat less useful when there's less technology around to tell us to make, angels likewise, fairies can't do much large-scale stuff that people can't do themselves until you know how to keep atmosphere inside a vehicle... And I'm not sure what you mean."
Then if you successfully make my world's edition of that thing, it means it does exist and therefore we have daeva."
"Since I've never previously wandered around between worlds that may be as disconnected as ours could be and experimented with this, I don't know if I can aim for Summoning and Binding and have it only appear if it exists in your world instead of getting a false positive from mine."
Might be testable, though. If we produce an edition of a book from your world here, then you can see if you can aim for a particular world's version.
If so, we check whether you can reliably distinguish books we've printed here from ones we haven't or if the false positives from your world get in the way."
Cam makes the front cover of Summonings and Bindings. "I can make this. I'd make the whole thing but it covers gagging and uses language we want to eradicate and so on. I don't see how we could figure out for sure if it's not from your world, though."
If you can't, then aiming by universe must be a thing you can do."
Cam makes a new copy of the front cover. "I do not seem to be able to aim by world, at least not in cases where only one world has the thing at all."
"Figures. And that was when you had been to both wolds. Oh well, it's not like I'd ever be in a position where I need to know whether my world has summoning without also having the ability to test it."
"Yep. I might be able to go home - and if I can, I'm going to want to do this periodically to send some letters - but you I cannot help."
One of the people who had been working on plotting the course of the railroad brings over a conveniently timed completed section. "This ought to take the rails north through Ystrad Clud, as far as the maps went."
"There's years before I want to be home. We might or might not find it expedient to see if I can go home before then, because if I can't that puts some constraints on the wisdom of summoning any additional daeva -" Cam takes the map. "Okay. How does blue circles where I want holes dug for columns, yellow lines below where I need any encroaching tall trees cleared for the raised tracks but short things can stay, and red rectangles around the stations that need to be clear but not dug out at ground level, sound?"
Hank asks him, "Ask for volunteers, would you, for recruiting the labor? It'll be dangerous, both because they'll be carrying rather a lot of money and because nobody out that way will have heard about the angel yet. Tell them I'll pay sixty cents to anyone who takes the job."
"...This is after some inflation? Anyway, this map isn't quite detailed enough for me to do the whole thing from here, I think; is there any reason I shouldn't go out flying under my own power, really high up? ...And why are they going to carry a lot of money?"
The money is for hiring people; we're hardly going to clear the area with just us. A half of a cent for a day's work ought to draw plenty of people. Hm, and we may need to pay the nobility to let us hire their serfs.
There shouldn't be a reason not to fly if you use a pillar of cloud when going up and down. Telescopes exist but nobody will be looking. Is the aerial view going to help?"
"Clouds to go up and down, can do. The aerial view is faster than walking and lets me look at where I'm painting. I could do something exciting like leave combination-locked boxes of money at intervals along the route, if that would be safer for your workers."
"That is a brilliant idea. But boxes of enough money would probably mess with inflation more than using already extant money. And ordinary bandits will know to back down if they hear a gunshot; it's a torches-and-pitchforks mob that might not."
"I can carry a few dollars on my flight, descend in columns of cloud to box them. Up to you if it's worth it. There might also be some things I could outfit people with that are less lethal and/or scarier than guns. Tasers aren't fun but they're usually nonlethal, for instance. Flashbang's probably more alarming and even less injurious."
"Let's go with alarming. It shouldn't be necessary, but always better to be safe. Do you mind if I take credit for it? If a flashbang isn't the world's worst misnomer, it could probably make a mob stand down with my name attached."
"It makes a loud noise and a bright light. It's disorienting but shouldn't blind or deafen anyone permanently. Here is a flashbang to try somewhere - not in anybody's face, please, and read the instructions, they can start fires - and an instruction manual. Feel free to claim to have invented it."
I'll make sure to credit you for the flashbangs whenever we stop letting people assume I did the new rails, but the rails will be the bigger story."
Cam makes a dozen flashbangs. And sets of instructions to go with each. "Make sure everybody reads the instructions. These aren't going to throw shrapnel or anything, but they aren't toys."
"These people were expecting to be manning a Gatling gun about now, and I trained their teachers myself. They can be trusted with weapons, but I'll make sure to tell them."
"I may harbor some background suspicion that through no fault of my own eventually something I make will cause a problem and you will be tempted to fall back on your culturally supplied racism against - makers. But sure."
"I'm pretty satisfied by now that makers are not demons in any relevant sense, and equipment failure wouldn't change that. Even if I ended up thinking you did it on purpose, it's quite a jump from there to 'malevolent being of pure evil.'"