"Getting rid of some magics. Doing it by sheer destruction would be very little improvement, but maybe there's one with an easily divertible river nearby. It would have serve some other purposes simultaneously to be worth it, of course."
"They're not doing anything important, are they? Just taking up space and occasionally spewing monsters at people?"
"Sometimes the monsters - or the inanimate objects - or the mysteriously pale and pun-impaired men - are useful or interesting, as with the collection you contributed to. But it's certainly safer to occasionally throw a cat at a magic from a safe distance while prepared to deal with a flying tentacled horror if that's what you get, than to have them at the bottoms of ravines next to the only roads between certain cities. So it would be better for all but the tamest and most convenient magics to be got rid of, if that were doable."
"It would be a major project, but doesn't sound impossible. Maybe one day."
What they can get, if they walk up the whole Row to see all their options, is apparently a single room with a bed that ostensibly could fit the both of them for five seo per fifteen days (it goes up if they want to buy in smaller blocks), or a room with two beds for seven seos, or two beds in a room with other people for two seos every five days.
"We don't know how long it'll take until the first sale; might have to use the third one. What do you think?" It'd depend on what other expenses there are likely to be, but one of them is in a better position to guess than the other.
"It's your budget. We could price smiths first if you'd prefer; I don't know how much those tend to cost."
"Can you guess at how many, say, horseshoes would cost about the same amount as a thinking human being? Wouldn't have to be a good guess, just in approximately the ballpark."
"Human beings vary widely in price, but if we're using my most recent price as the baseline, quite a lot. I'd need writing materials to work it out but you could probably shoe a whole stableful of horses at least the once for that much."
Presumably they'd charge more for strange precisely specified objects than for horseshoes, but if it's that many times more then I'll buy their metal and rent their anvil and do it myself."
But at least we're set for the immediate future."
"I can cook in the boardinghouse kitchen for us both, if you want to buy some groceries."
"Yes. Depending on how often you want to send me on shopping trips for food one or two seo should do it and I'll probably get change back."
Thanks for your help, by the way. Navigating a completely different world like this one could be much harder than it already is."
But the mutual congratulations can wait until the world is up to a decent standard.
"For the immediate future, you collect groceries and I'll get the room rented?" He fishes around for the amount of money she named.
Paper and pencils, though; those'll be important."
A much simpler arrangement than a boarding house might conceivably be, but he gives no sign that he's pleasantly surprised.