Being alone in the desert like this sucks.
"I'm thinking aloud. Um, is there any risk that interrupting the pain would make it worse when it comes back?"
"No, there are a couple things that hurt the target as well as the caster, but anesthesia isn't one of them."
And Odette reaches out with Sympathy--oh. quite a lot of pain. In a child. Her heart clenches, and she reaches out and...ebbs it off, quickly, but not as instantly as throwing a switch.
Ow. But.
"Masochism's holding just fine," she reports.
Ow. But.
"Masochism's holding just fine," she reports.
"Until I know if I can teach you magic it's probably the best I can do and letting children be in pain when I can stop it isn't okay."
Sure. Actually...
She makes a noise and sits down abruptly, gritting her teeth. "I decided it would save time to do them all at once."
She makes a noise and sits down abruptly, gritting her teeth. "I decided it would save time to do them all at once."