I cannot read your mind, napkins Bar primly. But I can sell you or Elspeth similar plans from a world which unlike your own contains them in published form, and something to read them with.
Alright. It's been awhile since I've had to pay for something - how do you handle payment, anyway? - but I'm sure I can find some way to buy an appropriate drive, and then I'll create a step-by-step plan."
I can take almost all forms of cash and many forms of credit. You may also choose to run up a tab.
Aisilian tilts his head. "I can't imagine you'd be very temporally limited... Can you draw from my credit account in the Second Age in El'aistrim?"
Aisilian 'tch'es. "Let's open up a tab, then, and I'll get some cash. Will you accept El'aistrim Second Age obols?"
Aisilian chuckles. "I'll just bet. Well then. One - relevant memory device, and one footstool, please."
He pockets the cylinder.
It's not really an applicable concept for me, says Bar. I can take it back and offer you a less nice footstool if you like.