"Yeah. Whereas with the supervolcano I couldn't exactly say 'have you considered that destroying a continent because some people have been littering in a peripheral bit of you is extremely disproportionate'."
"And, of course, half the reason I didn't even consider becoming a teacher like my sister was out of a desire to avoid even the human version."
"Oh, my parents run a boarding school. My sister's known pretty much all her life she wanted to teach there someday, but I've never been interested. If I had been at all interested I might have gone with it, it's intellectual, and like I said I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life."
"My mom's a teacher. She does very introductory airbending lessons for little tiny airbenders."
"My sister's really good at what she does too. She has a bit of a temper, but it really only applies to adults--I have seen her draw upon endless wells of patience when it comes to children."
"I probably wouldn't be very good at teaching as a career, but I've helped a little as part of going through the curriculum - teaching cements things for the teacher, so they have older kids work with the younger ones. And that wasn't bad."
"Yeah, I helped with some tutoring when I was in school, but I wouldn't want to make a career of it."
"I'm not really a patient person, but I do like studying bending and my mom explained why I was doing the tutoring thing so I didn't mind."
"Of course, a lot of medicine requires patience, but surgery is a sort of...charged patience? It takes a long time, sometimes, but you're doing things."
"Yeah, I wouldn't consider that the same thing at all. You're always making progress."
"With teaching you're making progress too, it's just slower. And mostly the other person doing things."
"Mm - I mean that's technically true but there are a lot of plateaus in which nothing is happening except the passage of time."
Of course. Would you like to try some isolate chicken? Things I make have never been part of a live animal.
"Ooh, sure, why not."
So Beila receives a chicken dinner and a book.
"And I should probably head back to work soon, before I forget what I was doing before I came in." Emily takes her pill and gulps down the water. "Thanks, Bar, what do I owe you?"
She takes out a few bills. "Likewise. I'll see you later, I'm sure." And she leaves.