"Everything is made of smaller things--your body is made of your organs which are made of tissues which are made of cells which are made of molecules which are made of atoms which are made of protons, neutrons and electrons and the protons would fly away from each other if the strong nuclear force...wasn't overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion, so I suppose if you don't have that either your individual protons aren't necessarily desperately fleeing one another but that doesn't explain why they exist in the clumps you need in order to get something as complicated as an amoeba let alone a human being!"
"I mean, maybe in your world. You sound like a cartoon character when you talk like that."
"Okay, if you don't have laws of physics, why do you have a consistent down? I'm assuming you have a consistent down. Do you have a consistent down?"
"There cannot possibly be no laws of physics in your universe. How would anything work?"
"I mean, things are often consistent, they just aren't laws. And you don't poke them if you know what's good for you. I've heard there are parts of the Shift that don't have a down anymore because someone did experiments and the universe got sick of it."
"The universe got sick of it. So it's not that you don't have laws of physics, it's that they stop working if you look at them too closely...that's terrible. And probably a good thing I didn't do a better job explaining anything about how they work to you."
"They're not laws. It's not a law that you say 'hi' when you encounter someone, you could not do it if you wanted, and if every single time you said 'hi' someone wrote it in a notebook and went 'hmm' and then walked around the block to bump into you again, you'd get sick of it and start telling them 'fuck off' instead. It's like that. You're probably fine explaining how your world works, mine's different, like I said you sound like a cartoon character. We have science fantasy fiction."
"I mean that your world probably has its...tendencies of physics that are mostly the same as my world's laws of physics otherwise we couldn't comfortably co-occupy the same space because you'd be leaking random radiation or unable to digest the same compounds...Bar, was the drink you gave her something I could have harmlessly consumed?"
"So my rules are probably close enough to your guidelines that knowing about them isn't the best possible idea if you live in a world where it's possible for the gravity to be randomly switched off because someone looked at it too closely."
"There is literally a comic book where the protagonist derives their powers from knowing the 'gravitational constant' and the principles of 'air resistance'. I mean, feel free not to give me a splash page's worth of jargon, but don't worry about it too much. I'm not going to climb a tall building and drop things off it."
"Those...are actual things. Although I'm not sure how you derive superpowers from knowing them, unless you have an unrelated power and can leverage those things towards applying them creatively...like my parents and Dr. McCoy did with Professor Cassidy. Hm."
"I haven't actually read an entire issue of Ballistic Warrior, so I can't describe how the science powers are supposed to work."
"If your science fantasy uses a lot of real science, you kind of have to wonder how they got it, if poking at the world is metaphysically discouraged."
"Maybe. That would explain it better than anything else I could think of, although if your world has reasonably frequent access to universes that don't collapse like a souffle when you poke them wrong I'm not sure why there are any extraplanar studies people left in your world."
"I guess it's not that easy to leave. Or they have families or something. I'd think twice about escaping to a science fantasy world and all I'd be leaving behind would be parents and a degree program in subtle arts."
"I'd suggest that some of my people could probably grab your parents except that I'm not sure I'd trust your world not to straight-up nope our abilities."
Milliways will be quite unharmed and your presence here will not affect other patrons in that way. I have no special expertise in what will happen if you travel elsewhere.
"Ugh. I hate not being able to do anything to help. ...Of course, I haven't been working on the problem long, I could think of something else, but your world seems kind of comprehensively designed to make helping difficult."
"A bit, yes. If I could be sure I wouldn't deregularize your nice science fantasy physics, I'd love to live in a world like that."
"...Does cultivating cotton require science where you're from? Where I'm from I think it involves putting cotton seeds in the ground."