Math class definitely still exists--she can sense her classmates' and teacher's minds through the walls surrounding the door. But through the door itself, only one mind is perceptible.
...And it appears to be a bar.
Curious, Edie steps through the door and lets it close behind her. When it does, every mind but her own and the one in the room vanish. Even Emily's constant hum in the back of her mind vanishes.
Startled, she yanks the door open again. Everyone snaps back into focus. She examines the door carefully. It doesn't look like it could be lined with the same metal as Dad's helmet...
She lets the door close again, and turns her attention to the other mind in the room.
"It's a lot easier to fight them with divine magic. Like, you can just physically destroy them, most kinds, but it's the long way around."
"I think the last time they got someone was two years ago, the warded paths are good," she says, waving a hand.
"It's an undead. They like to eat people. I have been told that my best bet if I meet one and can't run away is arcane fire. I stay on the warded paths so I have never seen one in person."
"I don't remember what it is for ghouls. I remember from elementary school we covered zombies and that has to do with burial conditions, these days people are very careful about how they bury the dead and they're less of a problem but there's always mistakes."
"Evil ghosts only peripherally related to the original people. Oh, and it's harder to resurrect someone if you don't have the body - a zombie counts as 'not having the body' but 'buried and hasn't happened to turn into a zombie' doesn't."