"I think the Edori think that other people on other stars have their own gods, but I haven't studied their beliefs in much detail."
"Apart from the question of whether Jovah is the sole god and how to pronounce his name even the Edori agree with the general consensus, where I'm from..."
"I don't know, how many people in your - dimension - does he talk to? Jovah speaks directly to oracles, of whom there are three, and answers prayers from angels - possibly other petitioners as well but we get more reliable results praying aloft."
"...As opposed to what? I can't imagine it would be comfortable to put them under a cloak or something."
"I wouldn't want to do that any more than I'd care to be rid of my arms. They're attached. I've had my wings my whole life."
"Even if I could become - incorporeal - at will, I would expect to want to do it all at once. But then I'm accustomed to corporeality and may be missing something."
"Then why bother with wings at all? Why not just - expand incorporeally towards wherever they wish to be and then contract into a convenient form there?"
I do not control the door and cannot contact whoever does. If you go out and let it close, the door you were originally expecting will resume normal operation; in the meantime, your first drink is free.
"I see."