And now this door is not itself any longer, not quite.
"Nice dress." The bar offers Bella a drink. "Um, cherry milkshake." She receives a cherry milkshake. Slurp.
"Where at? I'm pretty sure you don't operate the Bronze, and I don't think my town has any other clubs. Weird space-warping bar."
"So the question is do you have that song playing all the time, or do you just constantly get requests for it?"
"Eh, mine is okay as schools go, and we have Latin, but I'm in a new school this year so I don't really know any of my classmates well and frankly that's easier anyway."
"I was doing Spanish before, I switched - and definitely an introvert, yeah, but I also need a lot of spare time for finding and punching lizard demons and the like."
"It's usually not lizards! I'd say it's usually vampires but they've gotten to be kind of thin on the ground in my town. I'd rather be slinging magic around but I can't get any spells to work, so I have to use what I've got."
"I usually manage to get them before they turn. I have a key to the morgue, I put little splinters of wood in their hearts, everything's dandy."
"There...are...thirteen kinds of vampire. Only the most powerful five kinds can make new vampires. If one of them just drains someone, without giving them any blood in return, they go corpselike and when they wake up they're a ghoul. Making ghouls is super illegal inasmuch as vampires have separate laws, which basically means that if someone catches you doing it they rip your head off. Literally. If you have a choice between killing a ghoul and letting it kill someone else, by all means put the poor thing out of its misery, but if you know someone is going to become a ghoul you can send for a higher-level vampire, they feed it, it gets promoted to something with higher reasoning faculties."
"That sounds very civilized but I'm afraid we're talking past each other, see, I'm talking about actual vampires and you seem to be talking about your favorite video game."
"You aren't doing the face thing, and, who'd have thought I'd ever pull this card in this way, but my boyfriend is a vampire so I too would have this information even if all the books and my Watcher were systematically lying to me. Bar, did you actually give her blood?"
It is actually blood. She is not the sort of vampire you are familiar with.
"Yeah, that much I figured out."
"Noted. Are you a kind who is a sociopath ninety nine point nine percent or is that a way you are also different?"
There's a stake in her hand. How'd that get there?