"Eugh. Okay, I think I'm more curious than I am freaked out, so assuming that's the extent of the detail I'll go stand just outside the bar and you can do the thing."
"Sure. It won't look like much of anything, I'll just be looking at you. Then I'll either look away, or look away while grabbing my head and making angry painful noises."
Harry waves a hand negligently. "It's not likely you'll hurt my head, I'm just including the option in case it happens and you freak out. You'd have to be a lot more powerful than you've mentioned for that."
"So if I were a fully realized automancer, immortal and bioluminescent and sprouting extra limbs at my convenience and that sort of thing, then you'd get the headache, but since I can only do little stuff," she develops a case of interesting golden tiger stripes for two seconds, "you'll be okay?"
"Yep. Honestly, even full automancy probably wouldn't hurt my head that badly, the headachey tier is usually able to break cities."
"A full automancer could do that if they really wanted," Cayra says, "just not as trivially as some of the others." She goes to the door and opens it and stands just beyond the threshold.
He opens the Sight.
She's not immortal, but she wants to. She hasn't done anything really notable yet, but she's going to. She does not yet have absolute unquestioned control over her whole self mental and physical, but she's working on it.
"It's not like the stain of dark magic, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear. More like you're just sort of twisting your soul around into different shapes. It doesn't look healthy, necessarily, or fun, but it's not the special kind of awful you get with properly dark magic."
"It's not even noticeable from the inside until I do serious self-inspection. A lot of people can't even figure it out that way, they have to wait for their friends to tell them when they seem noticeably more vicious."
"Eesh. I'm glad you've got more of a science to it. And it's not obvious, but it definitely shows up on casual inspection. Though ordinarily I'd dismiss it as, like, 'bad breakup' or 'missing home' or some other personal thing. Those twist up the soul for a while too."
"I have been away from home for a while but I don't strongly miss the place. My parents are pretty good about leaving speakflower messages."
Mouse headbutts him less gently. "And I should be talking about less depressing things than parents and people to or not to break up with, thank you Mouse. Your magic isn't corrupting you, it just looks funny, hip hip hooray."