"That...is going to be slightly difficult, oh well, I guess I'll just make sure that any rugs I put down are rectangles. Or ovals, maybe, do ovals count as circles for summoning purposes?"
"The circles need not be perfect but they do have to be more circular than anything else."
"You should probably tell me your full name so my sister can summon you later so she's retrievable too if anything catastrophic happens. And maybe some other people."
Cam hands her a piece of paper. "I'm not sure that the usual summoning rules apply to this situation, because this isn't the place I'd normally wind up upon being summoned, but assuming all is as normal except now I can be summoned to and dismissed from here, this is how you do it."
"Good. So what determines whether you end up as a demon, an angel or a fairy if it's not eternal punishment or eternal bliss that decides your afterlife?"
"As far as I know Heaven and Fairyland are also reasonably nice places to live, although I'd definitely have picked demon powers over the other options. I don't know how people are sorted, but my guess is a personality affinity for the associated magic. Demons make, angels change, fairies move."
"Huh. So...demons are likely to be creative people, angels are adaptable, and fairies are energetic?"
"That's not how I'd put it, but your guess is nearly as good as mine. I'd say, demons like to work on things from the ground up, angels like to work on fixing what's already there, and fairies prefer to simply shuffle things around."
"For reasons of practicality and restraint, she does not advocate the overthrow of every government that doesn't do civil rights well enough. Not because she doesn't want to. I bet she'll be thrilled that this nets her the best hypothetical powerset."
"You know, if her magical mutant power did not terrify me down to the tip of my tail I imagine I might get along with her."
"What what would be like, being afraid of people reading and/or fucking with my mind? I have no reason to believe my indestructibility extends to my non-physical traits and I value my privacy. A lot."
"I mean, I can't say I blame you, you have every right to not want to be telepathized, it just seems strange to have such a thorough fear reaction to it. I wouldn't consent to unrestrained telepathy from someone I didn't trust, but being all alone in your own head forever sounds lonely. I'm not saying that it's wrong or even unusual, but it's just not something that I personally get."
"Fair enough. And my own attitude is fantastically atypical, I'm aware, it's just that we're twins and we've been in each others' heads at least a little since before we were born."
"D'you remember how I said the demon--the other demon, Tialle's Demon--apparently had a gorgeous brain and was very receptive to telepathy?"
"Ah. So now your sister is having telepathic fun and games with her crush and you are out wandering summoning another kind of demon by accident."
"Yep. Also, you know, in case it devolves into things I really don't want to witness. Again."
"This is reasonable of you. And hey, you got a friendly non-planet-destroying demon, so it all worked out."
"I mean, if you wanted to actually do things, destroying the planet I was on seems...counterproductive."