"Might or might not work, then, I don't know enough about how quantum thingamajigs work."
"Actually when I asked the question I was more curious about what you could make when you didn't have a thing right in front of you to copy."
"That seems like a very conceptual way of doing things. Hmm...If I said 'one of the blue fruits that was made for my sister' would that be enough specification?"
"Probably not. I also can't do 'most recently updated fanfiction of the Lord of the Rings', say, even though that should be a unique specification."
"Huh. Well, she hasn't named it yet, so I can't tell you what it's called to check if you can do things from other universes..."
"Well, the problem is that this is the only place in this universe I've been so far, so any book I named I couldn't be completely sure they didn't have it here or something."
"Oh. That would present a problem, yes. Although we could still demonstrate whether or not things need to be from my universe or not."
"Umkay...Sivath didn't mention any books, the unicorn didn't mention any books, you're from an Earth...d'you have mutants?"
"...We have people with various genetic abnormalities? You are saying it like that's not what you mean."
"My sister's a telepath and I control one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. This is because we are mutants, people with a specific gene that gives us nifty powers and/or physical anomalies. Some Earths have us, most don't, I was checking."
"Okay, let's go with A Study On Recent Human Genetics, by Professor Charles F. Xavier."
"Welp, you can make books from not your universe, it looks like. Probably from 'not this universe' too, considering that mutants seem to be a statistical rarity."
"I'd still rather know than not. Are your wings, circlet, and armor all from the same universe's system of magic?"
"Lessee...nothing from the one that wasn't a person...no..." she considers and rejects several objects before saying, "I have not really been paying huge amounts of attention to the names of individual magical objects, apparently!"