"You speak a lot of languages. I couldn't necessarily rule out you having gotten English from me in the instant I was summoned, or something. I got some new ones from you, it would only be fair."
"I doubt you'll get much use out of them, presumably not having access to an Aluvanna or whatever Tialle's Demon's world was called if it had a name or any of the other extremely not Earth worlds where Edie's convinced someone to let her download a language out of there head."
"Fair enough. I guess they'd make a pretty good code, what with how good the Navajo Code Talkers were and the fact that almost none of those are in any way related to anything you could find on an Earth."
"I try to avoid the need for such things above and beyond having a computer you can't operate unless you own my brain, but yes."
"The only people I might want to send encrypted messages to are a little difficult to teach languages without leaving the instructional materials pretty trivially accessible, but I do understand the concept."
"Ehn, it was a thought. Use it or lose it, you know, it hasn't been all that long since I got most of those but I don't really expect to keep most of the non-Earth ones in the long term. Sivath's, probably, and the two from Tialle's Demon's world, but not most of them."
"He doesn't really have a name. I expect the other demons would have given him one, at some point, but I think he forgot it after about ten thousand years alone on an island. Pretty much alone, anyway, there was a dragon, it's complicated. Besides, would you want to keep a name given you by people who tortured you for not wanting to torture people?"
"And, again, ten thousand years with no one to use it with, I honestly think he forgot."
"Makes sense. I'm not that old yet and I take a lot of notes and like my name, but in the absence of these factors it might be very unmemorable. So how do you travel all these universes?"
"We have a technology thing, which I think I shall decline to demonstrate at the moment on the off chance that you are in fact evil and would attempt to wreck it to prevent my sister from wreaking vengeance upon you."
"You know what, that's fair. What are your usual methods of determining whether people are evil?"
"Hang out with them long enough to be pretty confident that they're not. If we're lucky they consent to telepathy and we can just skip that, but it doesn't usually happen. Also in most cases my sister is right next to me and if someone does start eviling she can just make 'em stop without having to dimensionally travel in. We trusted Sivath faster'n most because he gave us magic and Tialle's Demon because his brain is apparently gorgeous and also he goes on the shortlist of people who didn't object to Edie reading their minds."
"I do object to mind-reading. I don't... think I can make inherently magical objects, although it's possible I would be able to circumvent that if I had some to copy."
"The wings...fly. The armor is very good armor despite looking like it was constructed by someone who has no idea how armor works. The circlet makes you better at hitting things, for some reason."
"Already got wings, armor wouldn't fit me..." He attempts to make the circlet. "Cannot copy circlet."
"I could reshape the armor. It wasn't originally this photogenic. But moot, alas, if the circlet didn't work."
"I mean, we were planning to go back to the world where we got the dimensional travel thing for some tech support, but I imagine if you tried to make the things you might create a different network instead of adding on to the one we've got. How do you specify these things, anyway?"
"Depends on the thing. I could make an exact physical duplicate of a specific instance of a thing, but that doesn't guarantee access to network sorts of things, depending on how they have their security set up."