"Where we're from is not on the menu at the moment. The reason we're jaunting through as many universes as we are right now is that we are trying to find the universe we're from."
"Even so. I can give you a warehouseful of fetching hats in some sufficiently empty universe for you to retrieve and give away at your leisure."
"So a warehouse literally full of a solid block of the stuff. ...Would you mind helping with a small experiment?"
"You have a tiny bit embedded in your brain. I assume that has something to do with what you said about your computer not being usable by people who are not you. Aside from that, no."
"Yeah, that's what that's for. I would like that to stay where it is, but would you be willing to see if you can forcibly remove a small bit of metal from, say, my fingertip? I'll heal in moments and will also numb it first."
"Okay, so you do not bypass my indestructibility, that's nice."
"...I think you are more indestructible than Tialle's Demon or any of the rest of his kind. So that's something."
"And I would be very sad if all the other demons of my kind were to go extinct. There is a thriving demonic culture."