"What what would be like, being afraid of people reading and/or fucking with my mind? I have no reason to believe my indestructibility extends to my non-physical traits and I value my privacy. A lot."
"I mean, I can't say I blame you, you have every right to not want to be telepathized, it just seems strange to have such a thorough fear reaction to it. I wouldn't consent to unrestrained telepathy from someone I didn't trust, but being all alone in your own head forever sounds lonely. I'm not saying that it's wrong or even unusual, but it's just not something that I personally get."
"Fair enough. And my own attitude is fantastically atypical, I'm aware, it's just that we're twins and we've been in each others' heads at least a little since before we were born."
"D'you remember how I said the demon--the other demon, Tialle's Demon--apparently had a gorgeous brain and was very receptive to telepathy?"
"Ah. So now your sister is having telepathic fun and games with her crush and you are out wandering summoning another kind of demon by accident."
"Yep. Also, you know, in case it devolves into things I really don't want to witness. Again."
"This is reasonable of you. And hey, you got a friendly non-planet-destroying demon, so it all worked out."
"I mean, if you wanted to actually do things, destroying the planet I was on seems...counterproductive."
"True enough. But then, I could probably destroy a planet if I worked at it hard enough, so maybe the possibility just seems a little less salient."
"I haven't seen any amplifiers in particular for magnetism, but we've got one for telepathy back home and with all this magic we're running into lately I'd be surprised if I couldn't find a way to do it if I really put my mind to it."
"Well, if it had never been invented the world would probably be a radioactive wasteland, so..."
"It's a long, complicated story, but suffice to say that it's only recently that mutants have been a public thing, and almost thirty years ago it was necessary to use Cerebro--that's what it's called--to comb the country for mutants who would help my parents, one of whom is a telepath, thwart another group of mutants who were trying to turn the Cold War hot."
"...So the telepath used the amplifier to investigate an entire countryful of people deeply enough to find out if they had useful powers and helpful dispositions or not."
Sigh. "No. Everyone has a unique mental signature that tells you almost nothing about how their brain works, but mutants have a distinct," she waves her hand, "thing. Languages not built around the existence of telepathy don't have a word for it. And the kind of telepathy my parent and sister have has a spatial aspect. So they wrote down where a bunch of mutants were and then my parents went on a road trip and asked them, 'will you please help us avert nuclear annihilation.'"