"Fair enough. I don't have an actual machine shop for you but I'm supposed to get a USADI credit card and go shopping for you if you know what you need in sufficiently local terms. This is a pathetically tiny town, though, I'll have to go to Port Angeles if you want anything nonstandard."
"I can pick you up a laptop on the same card. And a really long Ethernet cable."
"If you want to just take a photo of the screen... There, I turned off the anti-recording feature, so that'll work."
"It has a feature that would prevent me from taking a photo of it?" she asks. "Anyway, I don't have a camera on me, I'll just copy it out if that's okay." She does have a notebook on her.
"How's it do that?" She writes quickly and has very neat handwriting.
She copies the whole list, adds 'laptop' and 'long Ethernet cable', and says, "Anything last-minute?"
"I can do that. How're you going to brew the tea in here if you don't like heating liquids with teekay?"
"Oh, okay. You'd rather have the teakettle than a coffeepot? Or you want one of each?"
He's spent a lot of time since coming here unoccupied and bored. And he can't even blame them for not grabbing onto what he's offering with all four limbs and the head, with so many nasty things about. (He reminds himself to double check that this is actually the case at some point.)
Meanwhile, he mutters, "The wheels of bureaucracy are greased with sand," and goes back to sketching out plans for bringing other aspects of technical revolution to bear.
Bella's back in four hours with an array of shopping carts on a dolly. "Here you go. I crossed off the things I got, couldn't find everything." She offers him her paper list.
In minutes the room resembles something like a cross between someone's garage, a machining shop, and a mad scientist's lab. He keeps up a meandering running commentary, sometimes even remembering to phrase things in relatively nontechnical ways.
Bella watches for a bit, then says she's going to bring him lunch and then she has a training thing unless he needs her for something.
"Will do if I see an opportunity." She goes away again. She brings lunch. She goes. She is back with dinner at seven in the evening.